July 3rd, 1939

60 3 0

Tom sneered when he realized he wouldn't find his book. He stared at the raven-haired boy under his tree, reading his book without a care in the world.

"What do you think you're doing?" he demanded, towering over the small boy. He jumped, nearly dropping the book in his shock.

"Er...reading?" the boy tried, and Tom scowled and held out his hand.

"I want my book back. Now."

"Oh! So it's your book? Terribly sorry," the kid smiled sheepishly, handing it to the older boy. "It just looked so interesting..." He winced, looking down. Tom scanned him, wondering how the boy could get past the charms he had covered his books with.

"What's your name?" he asked, tucking the transfiguration book under his arm as he stared intensely at the boy. "I haven't ever seen you here." Green eyes looked up at him, and the boy smiled a twisted little grin.

"Call me Hades," he told Tom, who nodded. "I just got here. The blue guys don't like me on the street." The older boy frowned, then pulled Hades up. The smaller boy gasped, flailing as he lost balance. He gripped Tom's arm, who scowled slightly.

Once Hades was balanced again, Tom shrugged off his grip and dragged him to his room.

"Tom Riddle, this is where you'll be staying. If you have things, I suggest you bring them here," he stated simply, and Hades blinked owlishly.

"What?" he blurted, staring at Tom. "Ms Cole gave me-"

"I don't care what she gave you," the older boy snarled, "You are staying here." Hades raised an eyebrow but shrugged.

"Okay, since you insist."

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