August 2nd, 1941

37 3 2

Don't be shy!! I read any and all comments, and respond to as many as I can! Comments are my food •w•


"Happy birthday," Tom said nonchalantly when the younger boy woke, and Hades smiled at him. "Are you eleven now?" The younger boy nodded, wrapping his arm around the small plush zebra he had gotten from a kid on the street.

"Yep," he confirmed, making the zebra's legs move with his hand. "His name will be Jeff."


"Jeff." Hades nodded, and Tom snorted with an amused smile.

"Which book is your favourite?" the older boy asked, going through the many titles he owned—all second-hand, unfortunately.

"Ooh! The warding one! Imagine being able to break or just make a small hole in them!" Hades looked up, his eyes practically glowing with curiosity and interest. Tom rolled his eyes, setting it aside.

"Of course it is. Little thief," he sighed, closing his trunk and handing the Wards book to Hades.

The eleven-year-old stared at it, and then blinked up at Tom.

"Take it," Tom sighed, pushing the book forward more. "It's your birthday present." Hades blinked again, then snatched the book and held it to his chest with the plush, too happy to speak. 

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