Chapter 23

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Sean and I have been hanging out a lot lately. Oh, and we're now officially a couple. Exciting! He asked me to be his girlfriend in the park we met. Isn't that sweet?!

Jay's been ignoring, though. He started when I told everyone Sean and I were officially dating. I don't know why. It might be because he's jealous, or maybe it's because of our fight. It doesn't matter, though. I'm over him. So, I shouldn't care. Right?

I won't be seeing much of Sean for the next few days. I think it has something to do with his sister, Angel. I've met her before and she is super sweet! I have to be completely honest when I say I actually was the second person to meet her. Val was first. I think they meet while surfing. Angel helped Val become an amazing surfer. Val was good but now, now she surfs like a pro.

While Sean is busy, I don't know who I'll hang out with. Skykar and Val are touring the city. Sean is helping Angel, of course. And Jay, well you should know why I'm not going to hang out with him. I guess that means I get some me time.

When I have me time, I usually get to think. It's good because I feel like I should think. I have a lot to think about, like why my parents let us come here. I really wish I could figure it out. I don't want to call them, though. They would either have us end this early, or get me depressed. Either one would suck. So I won't call.

I also have to think about me and Sean. I mean, we're okay. We're not amazing, but we're okay. I don't know if I want us to be amazing, though. I don't know why, but I feel like we shouldn't become an amazing couple. I'm starting to question us being a couple at all. Something inside me says I should get away while I still can. See. I have a lot to think about.

Why would part of me want to break up Sean? He's a nice guy and he cares about me. So why do I have the desire to leave him? Does part of me want to have a different boyfriend? Do you know what? I'm just going to stop thinking. I'll just listen to music.

I turn on the radio. The first song is a sad love song. I immediately say, "Seriously?!" I guess I just have to lie here for awhile and do nothing.

After an hour or so, I fall asleep. When I wake up, I instantly start thinking about breaking up with Sean. Should I just break up with Sean?

I sit there for about twenty minutes, then I think about Jay. I think about how much fun we had when we were dating. Do I still care about Jay? I think I might. No. Do I?

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