Season 2, chapter 5: End Of Konoha

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"Kitsune! Quick!"

"What is it Panda?"

"It's Tayuya! She was kidnapped by Konoha! I tried to stop them but they knocked me out!"

Kitsune's eyes widened. For the last months, he had been practicing more and more with Koetsu.

This is the perfect time to find out if he was good. This time, he wore a black suit with a hood and a sword holster in the back. (Think league of assassins cw suit.)

He appeared at the ransom building in Konoha, where Tayuya was being kept.

"Well, if he doesn't show, we can still sell her for good buck." Then some of the guards started laughing. Kitsune gritted his teeth.

Just then the lights went off. "Huh? Damn cheap lighting!" Yelled one of the newer guards.

Then, an older guard spoke, "That's no power outage. He's here!"

Muffled screams ran across the room. Then the lights came back on, and Kitsune untied Tayuya.

"Are you okay?"


"Do you know why they kidnapped you?"

"N-no. But I know who. The civilian council and the elders. They did it."

"Okay. I'll deal with them later. Let's go home."

They get to Uzu and Tayuya is taken to the hospital.

While Tayuya was getting her checkup done, Kitsune was plotting clever ways to destroy Konoha.

'I'll level Konoha. But first they will suffer!'

He appeared in Konoha and, he saw that he was in a street. The villagers saw him and ran at him.

He cracked his knuckles. 'It's been awhile since the last time I did this. Hope I'm not rusty...'

He completely destroy's his enemies. 'Guess not.'

He busts into the Hokage tower with the bodies of the guards fresh on the, now broken, door.

"What the hell?!"

"No time. Baa-chan, I have to get you out of here."

"What?! No! I'm not leaving."

"I see... Well, sorry about this, then."

He goes behind Tsunade, pulls out his sword, turns the handle toward Tsunade, and hits the back of her neck with the hilt. She is knocked out and he Kamui's her to an empty house.

"Now. Konoha, meet your maker!"

He runs across the streets, burning the buildings with a throwing torch, striking down the occasional Shinobi.

Then the Jonin appeared with the rookies. "Naruto stop!" Yells Kakashi.

"No. I can't stop now."

"Fine then we will fight dobe!" Says Sasuke.

"Well then, this... is gonna be fun."

The rookies charge at Naruto at the same time. He just repeats the same technique on each one.

Dodge, Punch, Knockout.

After he was done with them, he turns to the jonin. They were all wide eyed. "How did you take them out so easily?"

"They are so predictable. They each did the same thing."

Without warning Asuma runs at Naruto. He just knocked him out with flying thunder god.

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