Season 2, chapter 9: The Will And Peace Of Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze

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"H-his will?" Asked Kushina.

"Y-yeah." Said Karin.

"Give it to me." Said Minato with sadness in his voice.

"Last Will And Testament Of  Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze...

I wish for Kurama to be free. He should never again be locked away.

I wish for one of my eyes to be implanted into Itachi and the other to be for Kakashi. Don't worry, my eyes will be regenerated in an hour or such. 

I wish to be buried with with my sword, Koetsu.

To my mother and and father and the Hokage's, my last decision was to allow you to chose, you may continue to the afterlife or you may continue to walk upon this mortal plane (sorry I just read an old timey book.)"  The group laughed at his childishness. 

"To Itachi and Sasuke, there are some people in Uzushiogakure waiting for you. 

I wish for the League to keep my suit.

My final will, is that someone will once again wear my mask."

There was silence.

 Then, Kushina broke the silence. "I think I'll stay here." 

Minato's eyes widened. "But we just got to heaven!"

"Our son just gave us a chance to do better!"

Minato rubbed his forehead and nodded. "Your right."

"I know, I'm always right." Said Kushina sticking her nose in the air.

'She's just like my wife...' thought Hashirama.

Tobirama and Hashirama look at each other and nod. "We're staying too!"

Everyone looks at Sarutobi, who looks at his body. "Well, as long as I get to be at this young age, I'm in." (He's younger)

Everyone is just face palming.

"Your all welcome in Uzu." Said Arashi.

"Aww, that's so nice." Said Minato.

Arashi looked at him disapprovingly. "Fine you can stay too."

Everyone sweat dropped.

'Jeez' thought Minato. 

"Hashirama?" Asked a voice.

"Who- Mito?"

"Where am I?" Asked the voice, now identified as Mito Uzumaki.

"Your grandson, brought us all back." Said Tobirama 

"G-grandson?" It took her one second to click. "WHO FUCKING KNOCKED UP MY DAUGHTER!!!"

"Calm down, she's an adult now."

"Oh ok." Said Mito.

"Wait so where's my grandson?" Asked Mito.

"He... died banishing Madara to hell." Said Sarutobi

"Damn. I'd like to meet him." Said Mito.

"You would love him Kaa-san." Said Arashi.

"Hmph." She looks at Kushina. "I expect more grandchildren!" Not realizing what she just said.

Kushina and Minato look at each other, and blush.

Mito looks at them confused. Then she realized. "Wait— that's not— no." She said stuttering.

Minato gets a sly smile. "Ok." She said looking at Kushina and made her blush more.

Mito gets mad, and her hair breaks out of the bun, and goes up in nine split parts. "You better not touch my daughter, fast boy!!!" 

Hashirama is the only one holding her back, Tobirama was indifferent, Hiruzen and Minato were hiding, and Arashi was cheering her on. "Hit him harder!"

Everyone sweat dropped.

"Well we should go to Uzu." Said Arashi.

Mito regained her composure. "Good idea."

In Uzushiogakure...

"What is this about a surprise here, Itachi?" Asked Sasuke.

"I don't know. Naruto just told us to head into district 667."

When they entered something felt familiar. He opened a room door.

When they entered it was dark. When Sasuke turned on the lights they saw Fugaku and Mikoto.

Sasuke ran to them and hugged them, while Itachi froze for a second. His eyes teared up.

He then ran to them as well. After they hugged a minute then split. 

Fugaku looked at Itachi. "Son... I'm sorry for pressuring you so much. And I swear I'll be a better father." He looked at Sasuke. "To both of you."

Three days later...

It was a cold and sad day. The one man who could have saved the world, had died and everyone was there. There was not a single dry eye in sight. It was raining and thundering, as the the heavens themselves weeped for him.

His grave said very few things things. "Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze was a son, a father, a brother, a friend, a grandson, a nephew, but above all, a good man."  Though he was ninja, he was given a true samurai's burial. Even Kurama had turned into his human form. Yue was in tears. Though she was young, she was also a shinobi. She understood what death was. She was still in the ninja academy, in Uzu. There, they weren't taught bullshit like, how to pick flowers, and how to clean houses, and garden. She had been taught how to fight, and how to protect people.

Minato and Kushina were sad that they couldn't meet him. They wished they could have fulfilled their duties as parents and helped him. 

The Uchiha clan felt that they owed him dearly, for bringing them back (even though he killed them first). Sasuke felt waves of guilt washing over him again and again. His anger and thirst for revenge drove Naruto to be hated by his friends. Itachi was grateful that Naruto, no matter what the consequences on his own spirit and soul, kept his promise and kept Sasuke safe.

The Konoha rookies felt guilty that because of them, Naruto was never able to be at peace in his life. The Jonin Sensei's thought that Naruto was one to look up to. The Akatsuki was sad. Naruto was their friend and the only one who saw them to be more than some terrorists. But, they were happy that Naruto had finally got to be at peace.

Seven years later...

Karin had married Itachi and Minato and Kushina had triplets! Boruto,  Menma, Mito (much to the originals appreciation), and everyone was happy. Kurama was considered a protector of Uzu and was very well respected. He was given a huge field to be in with temperature control seals. The children were twelve and ninja. Yue was viewed as their older sister, and was incredibly strong.

The Hokage lived in a palace together like roommates. And the homeless were given nice homes to be in.

They restored the Samurai tradition like centuries ago. They had warriors that wanted to protect, not kill.

Nagato was the Shadow Uzukage who stood next to the Uzukage at the table of leaders. 

Naruto's grave was under a giant statue of him holding a torch. It was fifty feet tall and it held a torch up in one hand and the other hand was reaching for his side sword. He was wearing a league of assassins outfit, except the hood was down and no mask. His face is clearly visible and he has a serious expression on it.

Sakura was in prison for attempting to tear the statue down.

The street was peaceful once again.

It's over! I'm happy to say the story is complete. Tell me if you want a version of boruto for my series!

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