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after everything okay u guys just get divorced"

"right.. and we'll get married" hannah winked, kissing mark in the cheeks

"Eewww. You guys get a place, not in here" yuta said making a puke face

"Whatever" mark mumbled leaving his office




"Come on hyuckie open up pls" ten begged knocking the door softly

"go away" a small mumble were heard

"But- okay then youre food is outside the room. You gotta eat atleast okay?" Mom said as I heard them left

I slowly get up and opened my door picking up my breakfasts and eat it until...

"pst.Hyuck open up" I head a whispered making me flinch


I looked at my door seeing "sanha?"

I walked to my window and opened it, "finally. It's so hot in here" he whined

"What are you doing here?"

"I heard what happened" he said eating his lollipop, "i don't wanna talk about it"

"C'mon it's not that bad"

I glared, "sanha he sees me as his rival, why does it have to be him?"

"Mark is nice"  he mumbled, "to you"

"Aish.. whatever gotta go now gotta date bye" he waved as he ran to my window

MARRY WHO!? (Markhyuck )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang