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*3rd persons pov*

"Folk can you stop messing around" the latter glared as folk stick his tongue on him , "you first"

"Will you two stop already" Ten sigh

"BUT MOM P' STARTED FIRST" folk pouted clinging to his mother

Donghyuck scoffed as he was about to throw his slipppers on him as the younger hid behind tens back


"aiya. folk stop bothering your brother. And you put that slipper down"

"So? How are you doing? You seem moody today"

"He's always moody" donghyuck glared at him as he hurriedly ran to his room

"So what's bothering you?"

"Nothing mom. It's just having a trouble at the office" he sigh stressfully laying at his mothers lap

"mhm. don't you enjoy it? Being there?" His mother asked, the latter stared him and went silent

"Well, whatever on your mind is.. donghyuck my baby" ten smiled "always follow this" he stated pointing to his heart

"thanks mom"



"Do you really miss me this much?" Jaemin smiled hugging the thai tightly

"Well... I wanna ask you a favor"

Jaemin looked at him confused, "you don't usually ask favours but what is it?"

"Can you perhaps help me with these?" He said showing it to jaemin

"This.... Donghyuck this is for" he looked up as the latter stared at him,

"But? What about your father? Don't he want you to take over the business?"

"Well I'll talk to him BUT ASIDE FROM THAT can you help me?"

"Ofc but I have to discuss with my father" donghyuck wyes sparkled, "REALLY? YOURE GONNA DO THAT FOR ME?"

"Of course. Anything for you"

MARRY WHO!? (Markhyuck )Where stories live. Discover now