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(Y/n): once upon a time on Black Friday, there was a girl standing next to me with her mother.

Cole: oh no what did you do?

(Y/n): she looked me in the eyes and I looked at her and I said

(Y/n): 'hi, how are you sweetie? Are you having a great day?'

Zane: then what?

(Y/n): she looked at me and she said 'your ass is grass if I catch you in the Barbie aisle.'

Jay: wha-


(Y/n): she had a fuckin juice box and a half eaten bag of goldfish crackers.

(Y/n): and she told me to my face that 'my ass was grass if I stepped foot in the Barbie aisle.'

(Y/n): so I got on her level...

Kai: oh no

(Y/n): ....... looked her ass right in the eye and said.......

(Y/n): 'well then I guess mommy better buy a FUCKING LAWN mower, cause that dream house is MINE YOU LITTLE SNOT NOSED BITCH!'

Lloyd: (Y/n) go back to the store and apologize to that girl

(Y/n): uh, I ain't doin shit if you wanna play Barbies with me

Lloyd: dammit

Ninjago Incorrect Quotes with (Y/n) 4Where stories live. Discover now