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Rae: well... I-I'm sor-

As she was about to speak further, izuku without wasting  a single second kissed her cutting her off while yoshino and rokuro hugged them from behind.

Rae was surprised and didn't knew how to react

Izuku and the guys were in tears

Izuku: w-why...

Rae: what...

Izuku: why are you fucking saying sorry after giving me the best news of my fucking life!!

Rae:you aren't angry?... I-I thought that you won't want a child this early in your life and you'd just reject me after hearing this news

Yoshino: ofcourse not you baka!! We all are the happiest we've ever been in our lives

Rokuro: yeah you stupid ass!! How could you think like that! We all love you and look forward to start a family with you. We can never ever think of leaving you!!

Rae: I love you all sooo much.

Mina:ahm, did you guys forgot I was here? But anyways congratulation!!! I'm soo happy for you guys! 

Rokuro: by the way, who was that boom boom boy

Izuku: oh you mean the guy you fought with? Yeah that was kachhan

Yoshino: wait really?! Thst was katsuki. I didnt even recognize him!!

Rae: and I don't think he recognized any of us too

Mina: they know bakugo?

Izuku: well yeah we all know each other, we were childhood friends. But rokuro, yoshino and Rae haven't met kachhan for like a long time i'd say

Bakugo: wait a damn second
Bakugo: these are the three non-extras!? Damn you guys have changed!!

Bakugo: oi rainbow bitch  (referring to Rae,as she has dyed her hair rainbow), t-the other guy that used to hangout with us, y-your brother, is he in this city too? (/// ///)

Izuku: sheesh, did I just witness kachhan being soft over his childhood sweetheart and even slutter!!

Bakugo: shut up baka!! (Tomato red)

Rae: yeah well he is in this city, he works in master's peircing shop. He's a tattoo artist.

Rae: we can hang out at our usuals tommorow w/ big bro and boom boom boy💥

Izuku: ok I guess now come on cuddle and sleep my doll~~

Rae: ok♡♡

Thats a wrap

Word count: 370

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