When a karen sees you and (any creepypasta) holding hands at the store

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(do not own this very scary image :>)

Aries/Puppeteer- you were at the store and you wanted to hold hand with puppeteer, a karen walks over and says gay is a sin and puppeteer slaps the woman and tells her that it is not a sin god accepts people for who they are.

Capricorn/Toby- You were at the store you would hold hands everyday because you loved each other, so you were at the store you were holding hands and she walks up to you and just starts punching you, so toby steps in and uses the end of his hatchets to knock the karen out then slender teleports you to the mansion to get you healed up.

Aquarius/Eyeless jack- You went to the store and eyeless jack told you there are many karens in this world and you nodded and the karen walked over to you and tried to ignore the karen but she said something bad about you and that triggered you and you tackled her and you started punching the karen and you and eyeless jack was teleported out of the store.

i will make part 2 tommorow thank you for all the loving support.

(also do not own this scary image)

(also do not own this scary image)

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