Finding Mike ( now introducing Alanas pet! )

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Alanas POV

I have to find him! If I don't I don't know what to do! I thought. ( dis is a few years later ) I'm 19 now, taking a job. Nope, not gonna survive, not at all. Just then, Vince hisses. Vince is my snake. He eats toast crumbles. ( lol ) Anyways, I take Vince and decide to find Mike. It may be dangerous, May be deadly, I don't care! I thought. Then, I bump into QueenOfShadows67. "Hey! :)" "Sup dude?" I say. We both go on dis adventure, along with SepticEyeSam and Tiny Box Tim! We turn to Freddy's. "Think he's here?" Queen asks. "Maybe..." I say. I nom on a lollipop that I got from home. SepticEyeSam and Tiny Box Tim hop along. Vince is still on my shoulder. "M-Mike...?" I say, unsure about what is in the shadows. "Dude, this is kinda-" she got cut off by an animatronic scream and a shout saying, "NO!" and then footsteps. It's Mike. It's Mike! "Mike!" I yell reaching my hand out. He grabs it and I yank him towards me.

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