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Alana POV

I try not to think over that night.


I don't want to.

I live in self denial.

I just can't.

Oh Shit!

I gotta make breakfast! Fuck!

I rush out of bed and just make waffles.

Because yeah.

"Morning!" I yell to QueenOfShadows67.

I hear her run downstairs. "Careful. You may break your neck." She rolls her eyes at me while I laugh.

"Hey dude. Can you tell me what happened last night?"

She asks.

I froze

"...nothing." I say. "Now, eat some waffles."

I put a plate of waffles in front of her. "Yum." She says. I go to wake up Mike. "Oi. Get up." He yawns and rubs his eyes. "The Fuck you want, woman?" I laugh. "For you to eat your breakfast!"

He gets up.

As he sits down, I hear a knock.

Wait, a knock?

I go to answer it.

It's Vendetta.

"May I come in?" He asks.


He walks in. Well, this is gonna be juuuuust lovely.



I seat my self.

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