Takumi's Dilemma, the size of a Pit.

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To be honest, i think that it would be the worst way to start of a story, but i want to be taken seriously about this, and talk about how takumi's childhood lead him to this dilemma, and how it effects hachi BADLY.
                                                           (Disclaimer! I hate takumi with all my body and soul, so obviously it will be talking about subjects like
Abusive relationships.
Childhood trauma.
And takumi Is a whole trigger warning tbh 🤷🏿‍♂️ -Creator)

So to start off, Takumi grew up with a lot of emptiness and angst. His mother, who was diagnosed with an illness that let takumi be locked up from her from his childhood. His  father, who was an a!shole alcoholic, didn't care about takumi any longer.
In addition to this generational trauma, Takumi's sister, got pregnant in highschool and had the responsibility of taking care of her own baby
(I feel so bad for her.) And on a fateful, sad day, Takumi's mother dies from the illness; and has all responsibility taking care of the funeral. Which proves that he showed "maturity" at this age.

Pt 2.
Solace with song.
Music, music was his solace.

He started a music club in highschool, Which led up to discussion and plot of the band "Trapnest" or as the creator likes to call it. " 3 groomers, and 2 safe guy that's pretty cool"
I know your asking right? "But JiJo, How is Reira, Ren, and takumi groomers?"
Well, my dear child, let aunty JiJo tell a story.

Trapnest, was a trap.
Trapnest (トラネス Toranesu), also called Tranes for short, is a popular pop-rock band in Japan. The members of the band include, Reira Serizawa (vocals), Ren Honjo (guitar), Takumi Ichinose (bass), and Naoki Fujieda (drums).
But here's the Catch.

Reira, the gorgeous, intelligent, beautiful singer, was a horrible person.

As we all know, Shin was the best of Black stones to be the upmost honest.
But in one of the scenes, Reira
Did have ..... With Shin.
And what she said...
Yeah, that scene.

So to end this chapter off.
Let's talk about how takumi's womanizer instincts gets me HEATEDD.
(Source Movie)" Takumi really is a bad person by self, and he was a player from the start. The way he said he would take care of the baby even if it wasn't his by his blood because he's just looking to CONTROL Hachi, he doesn't even love her. He wants to control her life, especially her love life."
This is where the Womanizer (abusive) instincts kick in.
He wants to control and manipulate Hachikos love life because of his own instincts.
Which leads to Hachi having stress over The baby.
But one part that gets to me so much is Takumi wanting to have S•x with Hachi, even if she's pregnant.
Saying it's not healthy for the baby didn't stop takumi from doing "it" to her.
Which is a word i like to call.
"Rping in a relationship."

Now let's recap what the word means.
unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception.
Including in relationships.
This was hachi's pain.

In conclusion of this section chapter, Takumi does not love Hachiko, he loves controlling her.
Reira is an groomer.
And let's all love Shin and Hachi.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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