Chapter 5: Comfort

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Dean was kissing you and you were kissing back. You both pull away.
Dean: I'll be right back.
You: Okay.
Dean then runs up to his room and you sit on the couch.

Dean's POV: I told Cas and Crowley that y/n was my science partner for the year. Crowley suggested I play a trick on y/n and I am. Crowley said that I pretend that I have feelings for her and its going really well. I better let the guys know when I get to school.

Dean gets his shirt and he runs downstairs.
Dean: You ready?
You: Yeah.
Dean grabs his bag and your hand.
Dean: Let's go!

Crowley: So how's the trick going Dean?
Dean: really well. *laughs*
Cas: Why are you both doing this? Y/n has done nothing wrong.
Crowley: It's just fun Cas.
Dean: Yeah.

Britney and her squad knew about the trick and they couldn't say anything.
Whenever they saw you, they would laugh quietly.

Cas: Y/n!
You: Oh hey cas.
Cas: You need to know something.
You: what?
Cas looks at you with sad eyes.
Dean: YO Y/N!
Dean comes running over.
Dean: What's going on?
Cas: Nothing, we were just talking.
Dean: y/n, can you give me a minute with Cas?
You: sure.

You then walk away from Dean and Cas.
Dean: Cas, you better keep your mouth shut.
Cas: You're hurting someone, who has not done anything to you. Dean, she comforted you after your mother's death and you decide to play this cruel trick?
Dean rolls his eyes and he walks to you.
Dean: Ready?
You: I guess. Where are we going?
Dean: Its a surprise.
You: Oh joy.
Dean: Oh don't be like that.
You: Like what?
Dean: Like a grump.
You: I'm not acting like a grump.
Dean: Yes you are.
You: Am not!
Dean then chuckles.
You were both in his impala. Dean was driving and he put his right hand on your thigh.
You: What the hell Dean?
Dean: What?
You: Both hands on the steering wheel.
Dean: It will be fine.
You roll your eyes.
Dean then arrives to a graveyard.
You: Dean?
Dean: I just want to talk to my mom.
You: Of course.
Dean: Come on.
You: okay.
You and Dean go to his mom's grave. Dean places a bouquet of flowers on it.
On the tombstone it said
Mary Winchester
Beloved mother, wife and daughter
(In this story, Sam and Dean are 17-19 in the story and that's why I made Mary's death 1995.)

Dean: Hey Mom. I miss you a lot. So does dad and Sam.

You were watching Dean talk to his mother's tomb stone. It broke your heart.

Dean: I got a girlfriend mom. She's amazing. Her's name y/n. She's really smart, funny and beautiful. You would of loved her mom.

You then lay your head on his shoulder.
You: I'm sorry Dean.
Dean kisses your forehead. You both paid your respects to Mary.

Dean then drops you off at your house.
You then hug Dean.
Dean hugs you back.
You: Night Dean.
Dean: night y/n.
You get out of the impala and you walk up the drive way.

You were doing homework, Dean then texts you.

Dean💕: Hey there sweet cheeks. 😘
You: What do u want Dean?

Dean💕: I was wondering how my girl was doing.❤️

You: I'm fine Dean. I'm doing homework.

Dean💕: 😩

You: What?

Dean💕: I want to see you! But my dad won't let me. 😭

You: Your dad probably wants you to spend time with him and your brothers. Do it Dean, I hardly see my mum and your lucky. I'm always alone. Spend some time with your family.

Dean💕: but I want to see my baby!

You: Your baby is outside in the driveway!


You: No. I meant your car, you idiot.

Dean💕: Why r u being so mean? 😢


Dean💕: Muhaha 😈😈

You: Fuck off Dean. 🖕🏻

Dean💕: Nope. 😏

You: I'm going back to homework. 👋

Dean💕: NO BABY!


Dean💕: 😢😢

You put your phone down and you go back to your homework.
Dean kept texting you and you would ignore the texts.
You got annoyed you and checked the messages.

Dean💕: BABY GIRL?!
Dean💕: 💔😢
Dean💕: WHERE DID U GO?! 😩
Dean💕: Y/N?! 💔😢😢😢
Dean💕: R u mad at me? 😔
Dean 💕 : I love u 😘😘😘

You then roll your eyes and you answer Dean.

You: relax there princess. I was doing homework. it's not like I went to Mars.

Dean💕: BABY GIRL! ❤️💜💛💙💚

You: Goodnight Dean.

Dean💕: Do u wanna cuddle?😏

You: As tempting as that sounds, I'll pass.

Dean💕: YOU ARE MEAN! 😭

You: Good.😏

You plug your phone in and you turn off your light. You then get into bed and you fall asleep.

Dean's POV: My heart was racing when y/n hugged me. She paid her respects to my mom, even though she didn't know my mom. She didn't laugh or make some snarky comment. She stayed and she comforted me.
Am I falling for y/n?

Cruel Trick (BadBoy!Dean x nerd! Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora