Infinity Is Forever

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   Once upon a time everything was perfect. Once upon a time I thought nothing could go wrong. Once upon a time everything went wrong.

   You've probably never heard of X∞56, and for good reason, or should I say reasons. 1: you wouldn't even believe it exists, and 2: you're right, it doesn't exist, well not anymore. I'm going to tell you the story of the destruction of X∞56, and along the way I might even explain the Quintessence Field and I might try to explain the whole Gravity Falls issues. Well, here goes nothing, but at the same time, everything.

   It all started with the Transreality Commit, yes the one Voltron is made of, anyway, the commit, as you would hopefully assume, travels through realities, or dimensions, which are in theory, the same thing, but that's not important. Anyway, we knew it was coming because (oh great I have to explain magic) since X∞56 was the epicenter of all magic, everyone could use it to different extents. The royal family (who were the rulers of an entire reality, though all the planets governed themselves) could use it just about any magic, with some exceptions, the knights were also able to use most magic, guards were still powerful, but less powerful, servants were able to use quite a bit of magic, and normal people were able to use less, though there were some pretty powerful normal people. Anyway, the commit can be considered a magical anomaly and well that's not hard to detect. What we didn't know was that as the commit was leaving it would cause a magical shockwave and to put it simply X∞56 was like a cup that is filled to the top with liquid, to a point where any more would make it overflow. That's what happened. To say the least, chaos ensued. The entire reality simply started shattering like glass, or thin ice, but not only that, it started imploding.

   The king and queen evacuated as many people as they could to the safety pods and tried to stop the collapses. My twin sister Livy and I were trying to save a group of kids when our area started collapsing.

   "We'll hold this up, you all need to run!" I remember Livy yelling at the kids as we used our combined magic to hold up the area. I remember how terrified the kids were as they ran away.

   "We can't hold this forever!" I yelled at Livy.

   "Yeah, but we can hold it long enough for them to escape!"

   "But what if we don't escape?" I asked.

   "We'll have died doing a good thing!" Livy answered.

   This is when the area above me started collapsing.

   "Ella!" Livy had yelled as she threw me out of the way.

   The place where I had just been standing imploded. Livy had sacrificed herself to save me. For a while I just sat there too scared and overwhelmed with grief to move. When I noticed small pieces of reality breaking away I realized that I was going to lose my literal grip on reality pretty soon if I didn't get moving. I decided that running for it was smart, so I ran to where I'd promised to meet my boyfriend Bax, and our best friend Skye. When I got there they both looked relieved for a moment, then they noticed I was alone and that I was in tears.

   "Where's..." Bax got interrupted by a piece of reality falling at his feet.

   We looked up and saw black circles opening in the sky. Then the world started collapsing faster, and right next to us too. The apparent holes in reality kept growing, blocking any possible escape routes. We tried to keep the area from collapsing. The king noticed us struggling to hold up our little corner of reality.

   "Ella!" he yelled.

   "Dad!" I yelled back. Oh right, forgot to mention I'm a princess.

   Dad/the king ran over and just as the sky imploded, he pushed us out of the way, which would have been way less anticlimactic had a void not opened up behind us.

   Considering that after that we were passed for God knows how long, I guess I'll explain the Quintessence Field. Anyway, so as one might imagine a magical collapsing in on itself creates a lot of energy and apparently, all of this energy, well a lot of it, ended up as part of the already existing Quintessence Field, but the energy made the already extremely dangerous Quintessence Field twice, or maybe even three times as dangerous.

   Anyway when we woke up we were floating through space. We ended up finding a little black gem that seemed extremely powerful.

   "What is it?" Bax asked.

   "I don't know," I answered.

   "Why is it here?" Skye asked.

   "Do you think this is what happened to..." Blake trailed off.

   I turned the gem over in my hands. "Fate is relevant. Destinies can be altered. Infinity is forever."

   "Quinn, it only says, "Fate is relevant." I think you're adding words!" Skye pointed out.

   "This is what remains of our reality," I said, opening a small panel on the inside of my crown and inserting the gem.

   "How are you sure?" Bax asked.

   "Because of what's written on the gem," I answered.

   For 10,000 years Bax, Skye, and I have been jumping around realities, along the way I accidentally made Gravity Falls into a weirdness magnet, caused chaos, nearly died a million times, forced a group of people to stay on an island made of sand for a day, wait, I'm still doing that.

   "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold on a second! You're the reason Gravity Falls is so weird?!" Dipper exclaims.

   "Dang it! I have said too much!" I exclaim.

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