To Whom This May Concern || Ch. I

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"Dearest Darling,

To whom do I owe the pleasure, to give you this cordial invite to that of esteemed valour and status as you. I send this letter hoping- pleading you, a Queen, treasure my eyes, not yet shining with your glory, start to glimmer with your glorious presence. To give me the chance ( a love sick man ) to see your beautiful ethereal form first hand: To give me this chance, to allow me into your sanctuary of tranquillity, to let me touch your heart- to have my love reach you. . . . Would mean more than any eternity"


Through his glasses, rimed beautifully with gold accents, he read the work that had been handed to him- the complexity of the contents motivated him to sit up properly and engage his smooth brain of the story this paper had conveyed. With his feet coming off the table, firmly planting themselves on its natural surface, he took another light skim of the work that had made even his own posture shift in appearance.

No more. No less.

It was exactly what he asked for. . . . truly remarkable

" Sir?- " A sweet voice called out, to which he looked towards it, seeming to break out of a trance that had encapsulated him.

" Oh. Haha, sorry Blair- " Glancing back at what seemed like a whole new world, his lips spread- not enough to be a whole smile, but enough to show the appreciation he had for the piece laid out Infront of him.

" It was almost as if- " he thought for a second " I was being proposed to. " He looked her in the eyes for the first time since she had given him the paper he held ever so preciously in his hand.

Call it what you will: the way the light fell on her hair- the way her skin seemed soft to the touch or rather the power her written words had a mesmerising effect him. One thing was clear to them both- that the piece she made was something that shook him and would shake even the the coldest of hearts who had and will read it, to be taken and perceived as someone more is to be otherwise known as special. To make someone realise this about themselves, putting them on a pedestal they hadn't known otherwise existed, was to show how lovely they are- and in any sort of relationship, isn't that what anyone would want most?-

" Well I'd hope so Sir. " Slowly walking up to her professor Blair couldn't help but glance at her words " So?- "

" So what? " Her professor questioned back.

" What do you think? " Blair smiled, already seeing the weight of her words have a lasting impression on her teacher.

" Well its a good pass, as for personal feelings- Ill keep that to myself. " Looking Blair in the eyes he hands her back the mysterious paper " Its an A+, I hope to see more work of this standard as we continue through out the ye- "

" Thank you sir, I promise to do my best- this is my favourite subject after all " After shouting from the other side of the classroom, Blair left- closing the door at a respectable speed, making sure not to slam the door behind her.

The professor sat bewildered by the presence of the girl that had once stood before him- He himself was only just starting this job as a teacher, but to see the real potential students could have when nurtured properly- is something that he felt in his heart, was beautiful.

" Sigh that was a nice wake up to a slow morning, I wonder what could be next? " The novice professor wondered to himself looking out the window.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the school Blair walks toward her first class- the presence of a student at the unusual time of 7:44am always made some confused. Not only was it earlier then when most faculty get into the building, but it was also an hour earlier then most of her peers get into the building, to have her roaming the halls at such a time almost seemed taboo. Her printed smile ( as if out of a Disney Princess movie ) that painted her face and small petite figure that people could only marvel at- graced the hall of the school. The clip clop of her small shoes, her rounded prescription glasses and the swishing noise she left in the air as her hair swayed side to side carried this astute air around her- the feeling of a fresh new day and perseverance that most didn't have this early in the day.

7:53am. Blair enters her homeroom class sitting by her desk, before doing anything she looks around- surveying the area.

Once she deems the room safe Blair started unbuttoning her shirt, once the first three button were done she took her blazer off and laid it back to rest on the back of her chair. Blairs obvious cleavage and the lining of her bra were somewhat visible to the naked eye, but definitely noticeable to those who looked long enough. Her head then rested gently in her arms on the table, as her desk was right next to the wall ( next to a window also ) she had known- from previous experience- if she looked towards the wall no one would be able to see her face. So from her understanding, Blairs head immediately turned toward the wall- feeling calmer she started resting her eyes a bit, a wave of tiredness brushed all over her body as Blairs eyes began to close to which she greeted with open arms.

She wished to have a moment like this with her feelings, a moment to let them consumer her like how sleep consumed her every day when she came into school. The wish to have this loose control of her feelings never did end well though- she knew she wouldn't be able to do that simple task nearly as easily as sleep- even though she deprives herself of both equally as much as the other.

In this way Blair could never be what she wrote- because even in what she wrote for the professor earlier today. . . Blair wrote what she wishes someone would tell her- what she understood love to be like- what (in her understanding ) was "feeling", what it could lead to and what this "feeling" could make you do.

The concept: the over arching realisation that she couldn't let what true feelings she had be properly felt in in an expressive way- only dwindled the amount of feeling she did with time, her need to feel only made her mute and wanting to feel only made her lose whatever feeling she had left-

To bring that back-

Could take a miracle

Or just. . .

A singular person-


To whom this may concern, come into Blairs life soon- She's waiting, and always will be waiting

To whom this may concern, come into Blairs life soon- She's waiting, and always will be waiting

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'Within your mystery lies a pain dwelling, a realisation. No one will ever know how you truely feel.'

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