The Limit of Luck || Ch. II

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" What the hell? "

A harsh light shone on the lids of her eyes, the need to move away, to get out of the bright light that consumed her vision was strong- but not strong enough to make her move. As if the universe had listened understood Blairs mannerisms- a sudden flicker of dark to a blistering light began to strobe down onto her closed eye lids, upon seeing this Blair could only be surprised. As a yelped escaped her lips and shock finally brimmed in her face, Blair sat up suddenly, so suddenly in fact she fell back on her chair hitting the floor with a hard thump.

" Your poor back. " Emotionless. That's exact what this persons voice sounded like, and though it wasn't a surprise to Blair she still couldn't help but be angry at the comment anyway.

" What was that for!? " Blair shouted.

" So you don't sleep through our first two periods again " The tall person spoke with serious undertones.

" what are you talking about? " at this point Blair had been sporadically rolling around on the floor trying to get up and recover from her embarrassing fall " I've never slept through two periods "

" Your right. " The tall figure put their bag down beside a desk, sitting by it at the same time " You slept through the first four, sorry about that. "

Blair could only look up at the tall figure, annoyance laced in every inch of every feature of her face. Blair knew this was just how she was but to do something so obscure to get someone awake- that's when Blair realised " Cole. "

" Blair? " Blair only rolled her eyes at her response.

" Which one of your torture devises did you use on me? " Blair started " I swear to god, if I find that the light intensity could make me permanently blind I'll- "

" It could. " Cole simply said reaching into her bag.

" Excuse me?- " Blair said to the girl taking out to lollies from her bag.

" It could. " Cole repeats- seeming to make Blairs adrenaline kicked in.

Scrambling to her feet- from the few minutes of being a dishevelled piece of nothing on the floor, Blair raced to Cole " You put that thing in front of my eyes knowing that it could- "

" Shh " Cole put a lolly in Blairs Hand after stooping her " Just eat. "

Blair stood dumb founded- she wasn't going to decline the free sweet, but she also wanted to tell Cole how dangerous that could have been- what if it wasn't her? Or maybe if it was a faculty she had done that too, she wouldn't be getting it so easy then. Though, even if Blair knew this to be a true possibility, she relaxed herself starting to sit back in her chair.

" Agh- " Blair lowly yelped, she had once again, fell on the floor due to her reckless actions.

" Idiot. " Cole finished, putting the fresh lolly she had un wrapped into her mouth.

Blair opened her mouth to protest, but realised herself that Cole was indeed right about her actions. She hadn't even thought about the possibility the chair might not being there, and to forget she had just fallen off it- not even checking to see if the chair was still sitting up- was indeed as Cole describe it. Idiotic.

So in response to Coles- indeed astute observation, all Blair could do was sigh and pick the chair up. Only for it to fall down once again like she did trying to sit on it " Dont tell me- "

" You broke it. " Cole spoke.

" Your just so insightful Cole, what would I do without you- hm!?  " Blair said aggressively.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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