The Trials

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Hey Every Creature!!

So I noticed that people like to hold seasonal literature contests, and I wanted to do one of my own. (I'll probably change the name later and suggestions are welcome.) Let's simply call it, The Trials. Anyways, what this is a chance for someone to win with out having to worry about not enough readers from their books, or whether they are liked; it is strictly on how good your writing is.

I want to see how many people would be interested in this, so kinda get the word out if you can?

This will be an anonymous contest, so NO TELLING WHAT PART IS YOURS, the names of the contestants will be announced at the end.

Honestly there probably will be ways for you to know what writing is whose, if you know your friends characters and style enough, but I want this to be on how much you like the writing itself, and not the person who wrote it. I don't want someone to feel pressured into voting or their friends, or other way around where the writer is asking for votes.

Not that there is anything wrong voting for your friends, I just want this to be as biased free as it can.

So, Don't tell others what writing is yours. (I can't really enforce this, but please try not to.)

Now, how this is going to work;

This is a test so we can have even better Trial's in the future, so it's going to be a bit of a hit and miss.

What you need to do, is submit a short story through pm to me, (so I wont be voting because I'll know who wrote what and stuff) about a paragraph to three pages long. The story will be posted in the new book I will be setting up for this contest, and I will have people vote for their favorite.

The story will have to go along with a prompt, maybe something like;

The Normal Apocalypse

A Day in Wattpad

and so on...

Basically that's it.

I don't know what you guys will want to write exactly, so suggest prompts down in the comments. We can vote on them once I get the official book up.

At the end the names of the winners will be posted next to the name of their story, in third, second, and first place, there will be winners for, most creative, best grammar, (yeah) and that kinda thing.

Anyways! Spread the word, suggest prompts, and tell me if this is a bad idea or not!


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