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He notices that you where staring at him and you quickly look down. You feel cheeks heat up.


Why did your cheeks heat up? 'No. Thats not is. It cant be. It was because I felt embarrassed he caught you staring. Thats it. Not other reason.' You reassure yourself.

    You don't hear the footsteps come up to you as you think "Hey." you practically jump of the bench.

'How did he scare me, hell, how did he approach me?' You have haven't been snuck up on sense...forever. How did you get that detracted?

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He motions to the seat on the opposite side of you as you school bag. "May I sit here?"

     "Sure," you say. You look down embarrassed with this interaction.

"Im Luka by the way," he says. You notice his voice is raspy yet smooth and could calm a raging storm. You shake those thoughts. 'Not. Ever.' You think.

    Wait. Luka. The holder of the snake! He is one of the most helpful side holder and your personal favorite when you watched with rayyi.

     "I'm Y/N," you say. You look at his bag in his lap, it's a guitar. "M do you play?" You ask.

    "He looks at you confused. "The guitar." You clarify.

     "Oh, yes I do," he looks at you "do you?"

       "Well not all the time, just when i need to clear my head." You say.

     He looks at your school bag "when does class start?"

     "In about 30 minutes but I don't really feel like going. Yesterday was my first day and... well...," you pause. "I just... the morning didn't start well"

"Well it could only get better" he looks into your eyes and his seems to glow. Your heart flutters a bit. "And you can find friends."

"Maybe I should go," you stand up collecting your things. "Thank you Luka, I hope i see you around." He smiles and you walk to the school. You shouldn't be close with a holder but... you cant help but feel like you need to be close to him.

You shake the feeling and ease into a jog. Fumbling you pull out your phone. You look at the closet path to school and head in that direction. As you run you focus on your lungs and how you inhale. You arrive and your only slightly out of breath.

You go into the classroom and you gain your breath again. The teachers starts talking and you see Marinette looking at you through thr corner of your eye. She quickly looks away when you look at her. "It's okay," you say "i am fine now."

She looks at you and nods. She pulls out a notebook for notes and you do the same. You already know all this but you still pay attention.

When the bell rings for P.E, Alya, Marinette, and you walk together. A girl, liela, grabs your arm pulling you away. "My ankle is hurt so I have to sit out but I think I play if your on my team."

A new hero (reader x luka) WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR THE END OF SEASON 4  Where stories live. Discover now