Part . 9 .

675 36 2

Halilintar . Pov .


To be honest , my instinct keep telling me to quickly do my shopping or I will regret it . And that's what I'm gonna do .

Firstly , I'm going to the store for baby and toddler . Then I'm going to buy 2 pair of outfits and a pajama for each of us . After that I'll do my groceries . Maybe if I still have time , I'm going to buy phone , laptop and other things that I might be needed .


I was waiting for Supra and Gentar who were chosing which iPad ( they're chosing the color ) they want when we heard a announcement that this mall will be close for today . Everyone need to get out of here for safety reason  . Even the stores we told to be close.

[ Kids , you guys finish yet ? We need to hurry here . ]

[ I want the rose gold one ] said Supra .

[ Purple ! ] Gentar .

I already chose all the accessories needed so all I need to do now is to pay . Luckily the worker who serve us do his job quickly . After I finish paying , I put both Supra and Gentar in the baby stroller that I just buy and start heading to our car .

Good news is , my instinct was right and I was lucky to listen to it .

The bad news is that I wasn't manage to by my laptop . I also need to do more shopping on clothes and groceries because what I buy today is simply not enough .

Oh wait , I can just do online shopping for clothes !! Well that's a good news . I already have phone so does Supra and Gentar . All I need to do is open the online shopping websites and let those 2 chose on their own and put in the cart. After that all I need to do is to pay .

Well , I might gonna take these 2 to the mall again tomorrow to buy more clothes and other things that we can't buy today tho . But that's fine . It's not that bad anyway .

After we get to the car , I put the kids in the car first . After that I start putting the things that we buy in the bonnets along with the baby stroller of course . Then we go home .

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