Chapter 4: The Royal Wedding

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Moonlight Cookie has woken up to get ready for the day. So did Sea Fairy. It was a super important day for both of them. Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao's wedding. Sea Fairy Cookie had decided to change her outfit for the day. "Wow, I never realized I had so many different clothes. I just usually wear my ocean blue dress." She said. Searching through her many clothes, she found an outfit that would be perfect for this occasion. When she tried it on, she felt really good in it, like it was calling her to wear it. The name of this outfit, or costume, was named Luminous Coral. What she didnt realize about this outfit, is that her sword changed too. It went from a normal blue to a sky blue. Sea Fairy was now ready for the wedding. Where Moonlight is, she was also picking out an outfit for the wedding, and to impress Sea Fairy if she was there. She wore her costumes a lot more than Sea Fairy. Moonlight ended up going with her costume Blissful Full Moon. She had a hard time choosing between that and Primadorial Light, but Primadorial Light was really bright, and she didnt want to drag all the attention on her. So at the same time as Sea Fairy, she set off for the wedding, at the Cookie Castle Garden. When Moonlight entered, the garden was full of beautiful plants, with the main color scheme being purple and yellow. Sea Fairy was already there. The moon and sea chatted with different people. When it was almost time for the Cookies to get into their seats, so the wedding would start, Sea Fairy and Moonlight ended up locking eyes. They both started to blush rapidly. They were squealing, and they didnt believe they would ever see eachother again. They went over to talk, but before any words were said, the castle bell rung, signifing that the Cookies should start getting into their seats. Sea Fairy's seat was pretty far from Moonlight, but they couldnt stop looking at eachother until the wedding started. The bell rung a second time. After that, Angel Cookie came out with Dark Cacao Cookie. All eyes were focused on him and Angel. After a little bit of time. Wedding music started to play, and Pure Vanilla Cookie came out of double doors, with Millenial Tree Cookie walking him down the aisle. Sea Fairy gave a thumbs up to Millenial Tree. He retured it back. Moonlight could hear the other Ancients crying a little and being so happy for their best friends. Pure Vanilla walked up to Dark Cacao and Angel, and held Cacao's hands. "Ladies, gentlemen, and theys!" Angel Cookie said to the crowd. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the unity between King Dark Cacao Cookie of the Dark Cacao Kingdom, and King Pure Vanilla Cookie of the Vanilla Kingdom. You may say your vows now." Angel Cookie back up from the spotlight and it shifted to the groom and groom. Dark Cacao said his vows first. "Pure Vanilla Cookie, ever since our time at the Academy, Ive been super lucky to know you. When we first locked eyes, my heart began racing, and saying 'Youve found the one, Cacao'. Well, my heart was right. Im the luckiest cookie on Earthbread to call you my friend, boyfriend, fiance and husband." Pure Vanilla started tearing up. It was his turn to say his. "Althought, the Dark Flour War meddled with our relationship, there is no force in this world that is stronger than love, and you have opened my eyes to see that you are the one. Youve been my strength ever since ive called you 'babe'. So let us enjoy this moment together, and show the world that nothing can stop the power of true love." Pure Vanilla Cookie said to Cacao. Now the whole crowd was crying. Angel Cookie stepped forward. "Dark Cacao Cookie, do you take Pure Vanilla Cookie to be your lovely wedded husband?" "I do" he replied "Pure Vanilla Cookie, do you take Dark Cacao Cookie to be your lovely wedded husband?" "I do" Vanilla replied. "Bring out the rings!" Angel Cookie shouted. Dark Choco Cookie came walking out with rings in his hands. The 2 Ancients put them on. "You may now kiss the groom." Angel Cookie finally said. At this, Dark Cacao Cookie swooped up Pure Vanilla and kissed him thorugly on the lips. Everyone in the crowd cheered for the newly wedded husbands. Hollyberry, Golden Cheese and White Lily came out of their seats and hugged the 2 so tightly. A few minutes later, everyone was on the dance floor, except for Sea Fairy and Moonlight. They went over to a corner. "This might be weird, but is your name Sea Fairy Cookie?" Moonlight asked to the ocean woman. "Yes it is, and is yours Moonlight Cookie?" Sea Fairy asked. Moonlight replied with "Yes!" The 2 stared at eachother for a little bit. "WHATTTTT!!!" They both said, at the exact same time. "OMG I THOUGHT YOU DIDNT EXIST!" Sea Fairy Cookie said, exictly. "SAME HERE!" Moonlight replied. They ended up calming down so that they could talk normal. "You know, Ive been trying to sleep for longer to meet you again." Sea Fairy said calmly. Moonlight started blushing at this. "So youre the person who keeps trying to make me stay!" Moonlight Cookie said, with wonder in her voice. The Fairy and the Moon kept chatting for a while, until Moonlight asked a broad question. "Well... do you want to with me?" Sea Fairy was now blushing really hard. "OF COURSE!!!" She said to Moonlight, making them both blush. Moonlight took Sea Fairy's hand and started dancing with her. They quickly got people's attention by how good they danced together. "Wow, Moonlight Cookie, youre a super good dancer!" Sea Fairy Cookie said happily. "Pfth, youre the one to talk! You dance so amazingly!" Moonlight retaliated back. Sea Fairy Cookie blushed at Moonlight, making Moonlight blush too. After the song was over, they got of the dance floor, hand in hand, to go get some more sparkling juice. Sea Fairy got berry juice. Both of them realized the song that came on next, and everyone got off the dance floor. Except for Dark Cacao and Pure Vanilla. The song was no other, than Lover, by Taylor Swift. AKA their song. (I'm a swiftie lol) The gay husbands started to dance gracefully to the music and the 2 lesbians watched. Moonlight and Sea Fairy looked over at eachother, with passion in their eyes. They starred at eachother for a while. Then Moonlight said to Sea Fairy, "Wanna ditch this joint? I know a nice spot in town where we can go." "That..would be nice." Sea Fairy replied, still blushing. So off they went, sneaking out of the wedding. They slid through the double doors, and to a beautiful spot in the Kingdom, under the moon.
(typing on computer = bunches of spelling errors)

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