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 Izuku Midorya or "Deku" was a person everyone looked up to because he was smart or had good grades. At school, every day started with a smile. He helped out all the time. He was the sunshine and happiness everyone really needed. Who thought one day that this would all change?

Izuku woke up on a normal Monday to find out his mother had died while being out with friends. Well, Izuku still loved her even if she was abusive. She did some horrible things to him. Izuku eventually gets up to get ready to go to school, He walks like always because his mother never drove him or signed him up for the bus" you deserve to walk" she would say. When he got there his so-called childhood friend said something that really hit Izuku"Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof of the building."So that's what Izuku went to do and texted Bakugou.


Deku: Well...Bye


Deku: HAHA doing what you told me too

Bakugou: I was joking you know that right...

After the texting conversation, Bakugou ran to the roof crying because he told his childhood friend to go and kill himself. He got there just in time to stop him. He grabbed him and hugged him. Izuku just stood there in shock, he came to save him. Izuku eventually got bored and tried to escape he started to try to fall asleep and they both skipped class that day. When Izuku woke up, he was in Bakugous's dorm. The blonde asked why he took his words seriously this time and the soft green-haired responded with because...Never mind you would never understand...

Hello, this is my first Fanfic. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter and I will try to continue this thing and write.

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