4: Night Training

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A few days had passed since they found out Echo could be alive and Shadow handed Jesse his ass in the sparring match. The twins stayed in the shadows of the base, moving silently like a predator on the hunt as they walked the halls. Though they seemed to have gained respect among the clones and Jedi, the twins still kept to themselves. They trained whenever they could to pass the time, but they mostly trained at night. This gave them the best chance to test their enhancement. Scarlett's eyes could see more at night then most, and Shadow could control and band the shadows and darkness to counsel her. They would spar, using bow staffs made of metal to train in hand to hand combat, the sound of clashing iron the only noise to fill the darkness around them. The moon hung high in the night, lighting the dark airfield around them as they used their enhancements on each other, pushing and working to make each other stronger with each blow of the staff.

The twins knew each other's strengths and weaknesses, they knew how far to push before one of them unlocked a new piece of themselves, till they either gained more in their abilities or broke and fell short. Shadow would spar with two, 2 foot metal poles instead of a seven foot bow staff Scarlett preferred to use. Shadow felt she had better control and more movement with the 'broken bow staff' as Scarlett called it. While Shadow's form, feet placement and martial arts fighting all showed the skills and training of a Mandalorian, the way she used her bow staffs was like that of Jar'kai, the fighting style of the Jedi that uses two lightsabers. She had watched Jedi fighting and Holos of the fighting style, adopting it into her training to give her an edge.

They were out on the airfield once again, long after the others had gone to sleep for the night. They were both sweating and panting. They had been out their training for well over an hour, just none stop pushing each other to the brink. Shadow smiled in the dark as she striked, the sound of her iron staff slamming into Scarlett's, the metallic ring filling the still night air.

"Come on Scar, are you even trying?" She teased. She stood tall, her legs shoulder width apart as her body was turned slightly to the left. Her skin tight black tank top framed her body and curves. A small sliver of skin showed about the waist of her black flight suit pants. She had her hands down at her sides, the poles pointing outwards slightly as she tormented her sister. Scarlett gave her a small half grin as she held her long staff in front of her. She had on a red crop top, her black flight suit pants low on her hips that tucked into black combat boots. She blew some of her hair out of her face as she challenged her sister.

"Are you even trying?" She challenged. The twins stared each other down for a moment or two before Shadow advanced, her bow staffs striking against the long staff. The metallic ring filled the night air as they kept up a fast pace battle, their skills so evenly matched. Sweat dropped from their faces, their breathing labored but they kept pushing on. Each crack, each metallic ring of their poles drove them harder and harder, wanting to best the other twin. The moon rose higher into the night, the shadows danced around the Republic base, as though they were doing a dance to the beat of the clashing staffs, following the rhythm of their footfalls and panting breaths.

Scarlett was pushing Shadow backwards slowly, closer and closer to the crates that boarded the runway. Shadow went low, swiping out her foot as she turned on her other knee, trying to kick out her sister's legs but the twin easily jumped over her. Shadow went into a back handspring, landing silently on her feet before striking another blow with her rod. They both push against each other, their groans and heavy panting the only sound to fill the night. Back and forth they went, clashing poles in the dark. Shadow did a roundhouse kick, her leg kicking her twin's staff aside, her own staff coming around to slam into her sister's shoulder, before doing a backflip onto the crates behind her. She towered over Scarlett, a grin on her lips.

"I have the high ground. You lose." She taunted as she pointed one of her poles down at her sister, the other one pointed back behind her back. She looked like Ahsoka standing there, the way she held her bow staffs in her hands.

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