Chapter 1

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"Look your weirdo, I dont want to kill another monster. So, stay away out of my sight or else this will be your last momment." Said Killer. "Y'know I was getting hungry so please tell me how should I cut you? Big pieces or small pieces.." said Horror, Grinning with a smug face. Killer look at horror in disbelief than hold his knife tightly. Horror look at killer and held his bloody axe tightly. Standing far distance they were ready to fight each other. Killer shots bones underneath Horror but Horror managed to dodge it quick. Horror floating on the air and threw his axe at killer. Killer leaned his back down and sweated as it almost hit his skull. Horror fall down landing on his feet and stood up. Horror summons bones down on the ground as Killer managed to dodge the bones. Horror felt something was wrong as killer got close to his face about to stab him. Killer sliced his chest...and he breathed heavily. Horror was shock and looked at his hands that had blood and clenched his fist. "Hehehehehe let me something..." said Horror. Killer stand there with an eye brow up in a fighting stance. "How can you killer a monster...thats already DEAD!" Said horror. Everything went white... Killer had his hands in his pocket while horror was just standing staring into his eye sockets.

"One head dog....COMING UP!" Yelled Horror with his red eyes glowing. Horror summons a butcher knife with blood on it. Killer stand there and took out his weapon. Horror slashed his butcher knife as it sent a slice of red wave at killer. Killer teleported out of the way as it nearly hit him! The red wave causing the wall to boom! Horror stands there grinning and laughing insanely. "Alright weirdo you gone to far and im bored of playing with you!" Said Killer. Killer summons a gaster blaster as it blasted at Horror.

To be continue.....

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