Chapter 7

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Paparazzi swarmed the outside of one of many lavish and prestige restaurants that was owned by the L/n Corporation.

Other then the dozens of bodyguards that monitored the intruding paparazzi and a few more that was standing guard inside.

Inside the restaurant sat two well-known and wealthy individuals enjoying their dinner in peace as the whole restaurant was booked out to only accommodate the two of them.

The atmosphere admitted a sense of comfortability and fondness.

Anyone who saw the two handsome lads could tell how close they were and to those who knew the pink haired male would be shocked to see how relaxed and at peace he seemed.

"So how was your day?" DG asked his lover.

"It was all right I guess. I forgot how unruly some of the first years can
be and the teachers are getting more lousy. But anyway who cares about my day, how was the shoot?" M/n replied with a forged sigh.

"I didn't do it," DG said in a vague and neutral tone.

"What? But it was a million dollar sponsorship. Why didn't you do it?"

You never turn down money?

"I'm not gonna let my reputation and image be ruined by this one sponsorship we're they want dumb bimbo models throwing themselves at me while I hold their useless product in my hand and then using my music in the background. That was completely different then the original pitch they told my team and I."

DG muttered with his eyes growing dark as he glared down at the table. His hand started gripping around his knife the vains around his arms started to appear prominent around his muscular arms and his body started to grow tense.

"I don't know what the company directors were thinking but I called off the partnership and left the shoot. The ceo was chasing after me once I left the building like a mad man and was begging me to go back in but my security already pushed him away before he got to me." DG said annoyingly with disgust in his voice.

M/n reached over and held the idol's hand in his.

DG sighed a bit before replying, "It would've been better if you were with me today at the shoot M/n. I would have at least someone I trusted there." He said staring into M/n's striking lustre umber eyes. DG felt himself feel engrossed with his lovers spellbind eyes. He sought comfort in only one person in this world and it was the intelligent and ravishing male that sat in front of him.

DG looked down to his engrossed hands with M/n's and smiled a bit.

I'm so lucky aren't I?

The dinner went by for a few hours and once it was finished DG offered M/n to join him at his lavish estate for the night but M/n had to reject the request since he had an 'emergency' he had to attend that was assigned by his father.

Even though DG felt a bit disappointed. He wished his lover goodnight and left the premises through the secret back door accompanied with his bodyguards.

(Time skip)

Every time I lose interest he always seems to drag me back.

M/n thought with a strained laugh.

M/n told his guards and limo driver that he didn't need any of their services for the night since he choose to instead walked the streets of Seoul
back home.

Why you may ask? Because he felt like it.

He needed to think over everything that was said tonight.

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