The Run

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I knew that his "parents" were not going to be there because they were just people he paid to be his parents. His parents were like him and they did not want to change their ways. He did not tell them about the diner, he just paid some people he knew money to be his parents. When we were at the airport we were by ourselves which was a little awkward. I knew I would get use to it after a while or start a conversation with him because I was bored. I could not think of what to say so he was the first one to say something.
He said, "I hope you don't get plane sick because I know this is your first time on an airplane also when we go through the metal detector you should take off anything that you think is metal."
I said, "Oh thank you for saying that but I have been on a plane before so I know what to do also I don't get plane sick."
He then said, "Oh sorry I just assumed you had not been on a plane before because you seem so nervous."
I said, "It's because I know we are going to have to make an emergency landing in Egypt and I'm scared something is going to make us crash when we land."
He said, "Don't worry about that we are going to be fine as long as haven't dreamed about us crashing then we probable won't crash."
I said, "That speech did not make me feel safe at all."
He said, "I'll hold your hand the whole time to make you feel better," sadly he said that in his joking tone. For a minute I thought he wanted to hold my hand, but the moment he got to know me he knew we were just going to be friends and that's it. It did make me blush for a second though.
Anyway I told him, "Quit joking with me we have to get going we are the next in line for the metal detector thingy."
He said, "Ok," just as he was going through the metal detector. Then we went to the place where the plane was and got onto the plane.
On the plane I decided as soon as we took off I decided I did need to hold Jacobs hand because there was a lot more turbulence than what I had seen in my dream.
So I quickly put my hand in his and said, "I decided I did need to hold on to something for support so I'm using your hand since you are taking up the only arm rest I have."
He said, "Ok," but I knew he felt a little nervous because his hand was sweating. Sadly I felt comfortable holding his hand which is a feeling I should not be feeling especially since I know what he is. The good thing is that he was trying not to be what he is, which means he wants to be like me and I hope I can help him with that.
The rest of the time we talked about stupid stuff and apparently I fell asleep on his arm because when I woke up the announcer said, "I regret to inform that we will have to make an emergency landing in Egypt due to the fact that we are almost out of fuel. We are sorry we could not take you to Turkey, but as I said before we are almost out of fuel so buckle your seat belts for it is going to be a bumpy ride."
I hated that we were going to Turkey instead of Europe first, but Jacob said that he needed more money to get into Europe. He also said that someone he knew lived in Turkey and that this person owed him so he was going to get money from them. I told him that it sucked that we had to go to Turkey first, but I understood how expensive it is to fly to some places in the world. This was when he first told me that we were going to Turkey which was when he told me we had to go to Europe. That's all I could think about as the plane landed in Egypt, and the fact that I hoped his friend would give him money.
As soon as we got off the plane Jacob said, "We have to go right now, you were right about them following us I can sense that they are near and they're not happy." So we ran leaving all our stuff behind except for my backpack because I had it on the plane right next to me the whole time. I was glad that I thought to bring it after I saw what I saw in my vision which was us running after we got off the plane.
In the backpack was all the things we needed which was money, a book of matches, a set of clothing for both of us, and food that they allowed on the plane. In my pocket of my pants I also had a lighter just in case it rains and the matches get wet. All the things anyone would need to live for 3 weeks. At least I hoped that's all anyone would need to live for 3 weeks later I found out it was.
We ran until I could not run anymore so we stopped for a moment for me to catch my breath. Then he realizing that I really could not run anymore told me to jump on his back which I did but a little clumsily. I felt very weird about doing what he told me to I mean I trusted him tell him this but he and all but this for me crossed a line over to something a guy would do for his girlfriend.
He seemed to realize what I was thinking about because he said, "You can't think about that right now, what we have to do is get as far away as possible from them, and this is the only way to do it."
I said, "Ok, I'm sorry I can't help it sometimes."Then he started running but not at normal speed no he ran so fast that everything was blurring together. I had to hold on to him tight and close my eyes so I did not hurt them that's how fast he was going.
He finally stopped in the middle of the night I don't know how he was still holding on to me because I was falling asleep on his back and I am heavy but he was. I told his to let me go so that he could take a break but he said no and that we needed to keep going.
I said to him, "I don't know about you but I know if I don't get let down soon I'll be a dead weight on your back because I'm about to fall asleep. You don't want to see a grumpy lady in the morning because that is what you are going to get if I fall asleep on you. Just let me down so I can sleep you can guard me while I sleep or we can take shifts if you need sleep. Do you need sleep?"
He said,"No," after he set me on the ground and began looking for sticks to start a small fire. I opened my bag and gave him a granola bar which he ate in two bits then I fell asleep.
The next thing I heard was Jacob trying to wake me up he was slapping my face and saying my name but I couldn't I had to finish this vision.

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