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Reaper took out his trusty sword, Slayer, made out of Galactic Metal, one of the rarest metals in the universe. Currently, Reaper was on the planet of Diagon. He was here to slay another unjust ruler, which in this case, was King Lorphion. Diagon, ever since Lorphion was appointed king, was a horrible planet. The streets were dirty, littered with homeless villagers, and the villages themselves were being starved.

Meanwhile, in the king's palace, King Lorphion enjoyed 20-course meals every day. Obviously, King Lorphion was a horrible and disgusting ruler. The planet of Diagon used to be full of wonderful colors, wonderful smells, and the streets were clean. At this point, you couldn't even imagine Diagon being healthy. Women were given no rights at all, and men were forced to join the army, or they would be beaten and tortured.

Reaper silently dropped down from his position on the palace's roof, careful not to alert the guards, even though they probably would let him through, nonetheless. Reaper snuck through the front entrance of the throne room and studied his target, who was sitting on his throne. He was overweight and reeked of so much perfume, his smell could rival with Smelly Gabe's. Reaper stood up from his hiding spot. He was wearing a midnight black cloak that concealed his identity. "Hello there." He grinned.

"Wha-" He didn't get to finish his remarkably wise statement before Reaper threw Slayer with deadly accuracy, hitting the heart. Boom. Poor guy didn't even get to finish his sentence. He silently applauded himself before walking over and inspecting his now-dead target. Reaper found parchment and a quill on the ex-king's desk and began writing a letter. Once he was finished, it read:

Dear Citizens of Diagon,

I, Reaper, have decided to bring justice to your horribly disgusting smelling and unjust king. I bid you good luck with bringing this planet to state-of-the-art condition. To save you the trouble of having to appoint a new ruler, I suggest you give the crown to the young and charming 20-year-old Nova Winston. I believe Nova will be fair and will bring Diagon to thrive. 

Good luck,


Assassin of Shadows

Soon after the letter was read to the people of Diagon, everyone was shocked and happy. They could finally be free from the wrath of Lorphion and live a peaceful life. After almost everyone was clear from their shock, one of the ex-king's guards announced, "Nova Winston, please come forward and claim the crown."

Everybody stilled. After about a minute, a young girl, around 5'6", stepped up. She had tanned skin with light orange hair, and soft, yet fierce, azure eyes. Although she may not have been as tough-looking as the other rulers, she emitted a strong aura around her. It was almost like she was a born leader.

Once again, the guard spoke. "Will you, Nova Winston, accept the crown, and claim the now-queendom of Diagon?"

Nova paused, and then spoke. "Yes. I, Nova Winston, accept the crown, and claim my queendom." Her voice was kind, yet fierce, like her eyes.

"We, the citizens of Diagon," the whole crowd spoke this time, "accept Nova Winston, as our queen and ruler."

The guard then slammed his fist into his shield and chanted, "All hail Nova Winston, our queen."

The crowd then followed and chanted as well, "All hail Nova Winston, our queen!"

After the chanting died out, the guard placed the crown on Nova's head. The crown would stop whoever was wearing it from aging. The village cheered before a man with a midnight black cloak stepped out of the shadows. The man did not go unnoticed, and everyone silenced.

"Who are you?" came the fierce and noble voice of the queen.

The man grinned before speaking, "Do not fret, I am not here to harm you or your people. I am Reaper, Assassin of Shadows." The town gasped at that.

The queen gasped as well and spoke, "I apologize for not knowing you! How can we repay you for ridding our land of that horrible king?"

Reaper chuckled, "I don't seek payment, but you can repay me by bringing this land to prosperity."

"Don't worry, I will let this planet thrive under my power!" said Nova.

Reaper chuckled once again, "I believe you. Why else would I elect you as queen? I must go now; I will check in on this planet once in a while. Good luck!" And with that, he disappeared into the shadows.


Well, that's the first chapter done. Hope you liked it. Just some quick statistics for myself:

Published: April 3rd, 2022

Words: 747

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