Brotherly Reunion

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The Bifrost opened in what seemed to be a desert world, nothing but rocks and sand could be seen across the horizon. It was night a couple of moons could be seen orbiting the planet.

-Where are we dad?-Even asked Loki

-I don't know Even, but if Heimdall sent us here Gamora should be close by-Loki answered Even

-Who is Gamora? - Eydls asked

-She's a friend, according to Locke she will be able to help us- Loki answered as he carefully scanned the area, the Bifrost could have drawn unwanted attention to them.

-Dad! - Even suddenly called him —Someone is coming-

-Prepare yourself, we don't know who or what could be closing on us.-As he spoke he pulled Laevathian out of its sheath.

Both Eydl and Even changed to defensive positions as their hands glowed with magic.

Within seconds they were surrounded by a rather peculiar small group that included a sort of armored raccoon and a creature that resembled a tree.

-Who are you and what are you doing here? - A man with a metal facemask asked them while pointing his gun at them.

-I don't see how is that of your concern-Loki answered while lifting his sword in a threatening move.

-Loki? - A female's voice asked in wonder.

-Gamora? — Loki turned around as he heard her voice.

-Is that really you?-Gamora was pointing her gun at him uncertain he was the same man she had knew.

-Sister, it is me — Loki answered as he lowered his sword.

Loki was the only one who knew he called her sister.

-Brother- Gamora closed the gap between them and hugged him —You are alive!-

-Yes I am —Loki smiled as he hugged her back

-Sister? - The man in the facemask inquired

-Brother? - Even and Eydl asked

-It's a long story-Gamora answered them.

-One we don't need to tell right now-Loki swiftly answered while looking directly at Gamora' s eyes, then added — Can we talk in private?-

-All right —Gamora answered, then she noticed everyone was still holding defensive positions —But I think we should introduce our partners before they kill each other.-

Loki nodded as he motioned his son and daughter to his side- These are my children, Eydls and Even-

-Your children? You are full of surprises- Gamora smiled as she looked at them, then proceeded to present her companions —This is Peter Quill, the living tree is Groot, that's Rocket and over there is Drax .-

-So, we are ok? - Peter asked her

-Yes, don't worry. I know Loki from a long time- Gamora answered him then told Loki —Come to our ship we can talk there-

As soon as they arrived to the ship Gamora and Loki left everyone in the common area as they went to the platform where they could took without being interrupted.

-I gather your children don't know anything about me or Thanos by the way you reacted, am I right? - Gamora asked him as soon as they were alone.

-Can you blame me? That's not the sort of thing you would like your kids to know.-Loki stated

-You are right, it's not, so after 24 years I hardly think this is a social visit.-

-You are right, it's not. I need your help-Loki told her.

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