The day Ashton's world fell apart PART II

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I widened my eyes to look at her and she was hyperventilating, her chest heaving up and down, her hands shaking and her face becoming visibly plasma colour yellow. I shook her hands and tried to coax out information from her when there was a knock on the door and after two seconds, the knob turned when Esa jerked me close by the collar of my shirt and whispered to me, "I was gang raped, Auri." and making sure that only I heard it? Rockstar entered the room.

He fucking came in and I failed. I failed damn damn damn bad. Damn miserably. I couldn't get a grip over my nerves like Dad could. Like Rockstar could. I just couldn't. I tried my best to smile and show Rockstar that everything was okay but fuck it, nothing was. Nothing in any sane part of the world was okay because whatever Esa just confided in me?

I was shocked.

I was frozen to the spot because from all the things that I had ever expected to happen with us kids? Was never an expectation to see another aunt Sofie event happen. She was raped for six months and Esa................I don't even know.

Rockstar's tense voice drifted into my ears, " everything alright in here?"

Alessia just stared at her dad, then me, then at her dad, then me and it went on and on while I?

My eyes seemed to have lost their life, as if blood suddenly wasn't circulating around it, bringing in the oxygen that I needed over there too. My whole body was rigid, my nerves frozen and my entire being stood there, as if stupefied. I had no energy to even move a limb, let alone turn my body and respond. I felt as if I was receiving a silent paralysis attack and it had hit hard. My fists were the only part of my body which were moving.



Clench harder.

Unclench marginally.

My heart was ramming against my rib cage and my eyesight was getting red as I could see nothing but blood everywhere. I could somehow hear sounds of gunshots as bullets rained through the air as I killed the rapist who dared to hurt my sister. I could hear screams of that fucker who had the nerve to undress my little girl and take away her innocence just to satisy his lust or take revenge or whatever the fuck it was for him.

Hurting me is one thing, targetting my family is another but literally gang raping a member of my own family? That was war buddy. Open. Fucking. War. And I don't care if I had to drop out of school to avenge the innocence taken away of my sister, but I wanted to see myself wrapping my own hands around the bare heart of that motherfucker who did this to her. I wanted to see the life leave his eyes slower than how he took Esa's innocence away.

There were tears in my eyes when it finally hit me with the force of a truck for the fifth time since she had whispered. Alessia was gang raped.

Ashton Romanno's daughter, THE ASHTON ROMANNO'S DAUGHTER, Alessia Everleigh Romanno was fucking gang raped.

I was still in my transfixed state when Rockstar spoke, worry laced in his voice as he took impossibly large steps in the room and straightly went to Alessia. He held her hands in his and looked at her, "Esa. Are you fine, baba's love?"

She didn't speak anything and just remained silent, tears slowly forming in her eyes again. Rockstar sat on the bed and asked again, "Angel, what happened? Why are you sweating, why-" he stopped when my eyes shot towards him.

The blanket had slipped a bit from Esa's hands and Rockstar saw the drips attached to her. Upon Esa's insistence, we had placed the bottle below her bed so that no one could see and covered the tube with her blanket. But after it slipped away a bit, everything was visible to Rockstar.

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