Ashton's date with Auri

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The door to my office burst open when Massimo part two danced inside, "Rockioooooo staaaarrrioooooo-"

I groaned, "Aurelius, what is it?"

He plopped onto the seat in front of me, "Nothinggggg. When will you get free?"

I kept my head down writing into the file I was studying, "I don't know. Why?"

"I was thinking to go out with you."

"I don't have the time right now, maybe some other time."

"Rockstarrr pleaseeeeee, you never gooo."

"Well it's because I am working for you guys-"

He suddenly stood up and clapped his hands, "Me and you. A date. In another hour. Okiee bayeeeeee." and he rushed out of the room when I rolled my eyes. Never in a million years would this ever be happening.


Sophia was pulling me out of the office when she said, "You have a date with Auri in less than an hour and you aren't even ready yet."

I shrieked out, "Sophia, are you out of your mind? Why-"

She turned around, "Ssshhh. My Auri said so."

"He's sick, why would you of all stupid people-"

"Ashton Romanno. I swear I'll divorce you if you don't go on this date."

What the fuck? What the hell? What in the name of my sanity was happening?

She pushed me inside the room when I turned around immediately and tried to make my way out, "No Sof, what the hell? I am not going on any-OWWWWW!" Sophia raised her leg in a flash and hit me right in my dick when I bent a bit low and cupped it trying to lessen the pain. She grabbed my arm and dragged me inside the bathroom when she made me sit on the chair and laid my head back and started washing my hair. All the fire left my body and I suddenly felt so dizzy feeling the water rushing through my hair and Sophia's soft fingers running through them as calamity spread through my fucking veins when as I was actually about to doze off, Sophia sprayed water onto my face and scolded me, "Don't sleep right now, save that for night time with me."

I looked up at her and swatted my hand against her ass, "Are you on your period right now, miss respect the bleeding woman?"

She hit my arm and chuckled when after getting my hair washed and dried, she took out clothes for me and asked me to change when believe it or not, I refused. For God's sake, it was Aurelius and a dateeeee? The hell.

Sophia sighed and came to me when another battle took place between the two of us and believe it or not, she won.


The restaurant was full of people when Aurelius grinned, "Heyyy dateeeeeyyyyyyy."

I shot him a glare when he retreated back in his seat and nodded, "Okay, I wouldn't."

I turned my head looking at other people here and there when Aurelius said, "Soooo............. wazzup?"

"Aurelius, I swear I-"

"I'll call aunt Sofie."

I looked at him, "Buddy, believe me she doesn't scare me that much. Sometimes yes, most of the times, no-"

"But you did reduce smoking, A LOTTT-"

I slapped my hand on the table and whisper hissed at him, "My daughterrrrr made me do that!"

"Same thing."


"Change of topic I think?"

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