-- Another day --

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-- Sparkling's POV --

I woke up, knowing I had to go to work soon. As I got dressed, I thought of.. Herb cookie, from yesterday. I knew I would never see him again, just knowing that made me sadder. I decided I still have to go to work, so I finished changing, brushed my hair, and went to work. i sat around, waiting around for guests. Until, my friends showed up. Mint choco cookie, Vampire cookie and we started talking, until I looked at the door, and saw... Herb cookie? I instantly blushed like yesterday and  turned around. My friends saw me, and Vampire said "Someone has a crush, don't they?~" and teased me turning around. I said "Stop-" until I turned around and saw Herb at the counter. He said "Can I get the same as yesterday?" I said "You can get that, and my number" I got anxiety I'd ruin this moment so I said "Oh, cause you seem c-cool!" He said "Oh, thanks! It's 123-456-7890!" I said "Mine is 098-765-4321!" I got him his herbal tea, and he left, and messaged me.

--                                                                                    <3 Herb cookie <3                                                  --

Herb: This is Sparkling, correct?

Sparkling: Yes! :)

Herb: Thanks for clarifying, because I always type in numbers incorrectly-

&quot;My flower&quot; Herb x SparklingWhere stories live. Discover now