Epitome of Ecstasy

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At a steady pace, the wind blows,

the leaves whirl,
at the corner of the road.
The birds chirp on a distant tree,
The sun smiles gleamingly.

The ambrosia of the cape Jasmine
fills the air,
I can find my sole happiness in here;
Under the star filled firmament
Or above the clouds,
I just want myself to be drunk
with nature's wine anyhow.

When the sun is about to set,
Splattering red, orange and purple colours
on the sky's pallette,
I, sitting on the window sill,
Gazing at the clouds wandering,
"How it feels like to float in the sky", wondering.
Just then I hear a peck on my glass window,
I behold a little sparrow walking in tiny;
I keep gawking at it,
Not knowing soon the evening is about to hit.
The sky soon grows dark
as the sun goes down.
Just like our life will be
when nature is nowhere to be found.

I like my life being lonely;
Among the bushes,
Among the butterflies,
Among the raindrops
falling from the sky,
Among the sussuration of the waves in the sea,
Because these are the epitomes of ecstasy.


- June, 2022

A/n: how was it guys? Tried writing a poem solely on nature with no romance because I'm planning to submit this for my school magazine. So what do y'all tell about that? Should I submit or not? ^_^ let me know in the comments down below. Love yaaa. ♡

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