The 26th Interstellar Whisper: A Petal's Journey (2015)

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There was a petal who rode a wind,

A breeze, just one of the thousands more,

But on ends, her goal she could not find,

Nor a trace of what her journey's for,

She crawled as her scent kept crying out,

"Help! For I rode the wrong wind thus lost!"

But all that heard was but an owl's pout,

He hoots, "Listen to the mistake's thought!"

While she sent questions' scents, it hoots more,

"Listen, listen to mistakes' whispers!"

Her scent asked, "You meant it's lesson's core?"

The owl then flew off with a temper,

"The lesson in the mistake's core?"

She pondered as she stood still from howls,

"But why should I force to find it for?"

Her scent had grimaced with unheard growls,

"Indeed, why force?" buzzed a busy bee,

"If each seed is unique," it added,

"Sometimes not finding is meant to be,"

"Except for two reminders," he said,

"Reminders?" she asked, giving him laughs,

"Have you heard words for ages repeats?"

"The sun had kept repeating," he laughs,

He buzzed, "words in his golden rays' beats,"

"Reminders?" her scent had asked once more,

"His rays say that mistakes just reminds,

That it came to teach, and sometimes give more,

When the how to right the wrong one finds,"

"And the other?" the young petal asked,

"It told to," he buzzed happily,

"Forget not to forgive one's self first,"

The bee smiled as it left quickly,

Before her scent could send it's thank you,

The same cool breeze had blown her away,

Not an inch far, but found with a few,

Few petals floating on a pond's sway,

Her scent, filled the air with joy, glowing,

And her tip felt his cool whisper bond,

"Sometimes, my lovely, and pretty, darling,

The wrong wind takes you to the right pond."

Interstellar Whispers: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now