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✩。:*•.───── 🎀 ─────.•*:。✩

WE WALKED OUT of the restaurant, I found myself walking alongside the Miya twins, feeling somewhat self-conscious of the event that took place not too long ago. All I wanted at that moment was to retreat to the comfort of my own space, but at the same time, I enjoyed their company in moments like this.

"Osamu, give Akira-chan your coat," Kita playfully suggested. Osamu without thinking it twice gracefully removed his coat, offering it before I could object.

"Ah, thanks, but I'm-" my protest got cut short as Osamu gently draped the coat over my shoulders. "Thank you," I managed to say, touched by his considerate gesture.

After bidding our goodbyes farewell to the people leaving, My brother, Kita, Osamu, Ataumu and I stayed behind.

Atsumu suggested going for ice cream at a nearby parlor, an invitation that helped ease my mind.

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As we headed there, I decided to freshen up in the restroom to retouch my makeup. An inner vigilance kept me alert, preventing any unwanted encounters.This was not the first time an event like this happened to me, now I was way more cautious.

In the restroom, I quickly retouched my lip tint and foundation on my face, As I stared at my reflection, I reminded myself that I was safe, no one could harm me anymore.

In front of the mirror, I swiftly retouched my makeup, reminding myself of my safety. Composed, I left the restroom only to find Osamu standing nearby. Startled at first, I soon realized it was just him.

"You scared me!" I said putting my hands on my chest.

"Sorry! I Just wanted to make sure you were safe," Osamu said, leaning casually against the wall outside the restroom.

I blinked twice in surprise, "You were waiting for me?"

He nodded, a hint of concern in his eyes, "Yeah, wanted to make sure you didn't encounter any creeps."

I chuckled, "Well, that's very sweet of you!" I sweetly smiled to which Osamu blushed at.

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚

I rejoined the others at the table where we were to eat ice cream. Taking my seat next to Osamu, he looked at me with genuine warmth in his eyes.

"Which flavor would you like?" he asked, standing up from the table to fetch the ice cream."Strawberry please" I replied, trying to avoid making direct eye contact.

As we savored our ice creams, a sense of comfort washed over me. Despite the unfortunate events of the evening, the three boys carried on chatting with me as if nothing had happened. It was a welcome relief that they didn't bring back the topic, allowing us to enjoy the company and chat without dwelling on the unpleasant past.

Throughout the night, the conversation flowed effortlessly, filled with laughter and shared stories. Kita's kindness and Osamu's easygoing nature helped me feel more at ease. Their presence was like a warm embrace that momentarily dispelled the doubts and fears that had haunted me earlier.

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚

As the night wore on, we strolled back toward the hotel we were staying at. The city lights created a magical atmosphere, casting a gentle glow on our faces. It was as if the adversity from earlier had been left behind, and we were now enveloped in a comforting aura.

Upon reaching my destination, I turned to Kita, Osamu and Atsumu gratitude evident in my eyes. "Thank you guys for being here with us tonight. You've made me feel better" I expressed sincerely.

Kita smiled warmly. "It was our pleasure. Nobody deserves to go through that, Akira-san. Remember, you're not alone," he reassured me.

Osamu nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. We've got your back," he added with a reassuring grin. Tōru watched silently the interactions.

A sense of belonging washed over me, knowing that I had friends who cared and stood by me. The night that had begun on a sour note had transformed into a heartwarming experience.

As I bid them goodnight, I carried a newfound sense of strength and resilience, ready to face whatever challenges laid ahead, knowing that true friendship could help me weather any thoughts.

Entering the hotel lobby, Toru and I headed to our room. The echo of laughter and camaraderie from the evening still lingered, yet Toru remained unusually quiet. Sensing his reserved demeanor, I couldn't help but worry.

"Toru, you've been quiet the whole time. Is everything okay?" I asked, concern flickering in my eyes.

He glanced at me, a contemplative expression on his face. "It's just... tonight was intense. I wanted to make sure you were okay," he finally admitted, concern evident in his voice.

Appreciating my brother's protective nature, I nodded. "I am, thanks to you and the others."

As we reached our hotel room, Toru paused before unlocking the door. "kira, what do you think of Osamu?" he asked, his curiosity peeking through.

Surprised by the question, I took a moment to gather my thoughts. "Osamu... he's kind and easygoing, He's fun to be with. Why'd you ask?"

Toru entered the room, closing the door behind us. "I noticed you two talking, and I couldn't help but wonder. You two seemed... different around each other" he confessed, studying my reaction.

I chuckled, trying to ease the tension. "Well, he did lend me his coat and waited for me outside the bathroom. He's an interesting guy."

Toru raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk forming on his face. "Interesting, huh? Are you sure there's nothing more?"

I rolled my eyes, playfully nudging him. "Toru, you're reading too much into it. We're friends, plus we just met."

He chuckled, but there was a lingering curiosity in his eyes. "Alright, just making sure. You know I've got your back, right?"

Smiling at my brother's protective nature, I nodded. "I know, thanks for always looking out for me."

As we settled into the hotel room, the events of the night played back in my mind. Despite the earlier tension, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the support of my brother and my new friends.


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