Kokabiel Arc: Angel of the Stars

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Actions: Slaps
Sacred Gear/Spells/Powers/Noble Phantasms/Aria or Chants: [{UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS}]
Thoughts/Servant Talking in Spirit Form: "Nope! He who runs away and doesn't fight, runs away first!"
Speaking: "Tiny Frightening Child!?" (A/n: Props to you if you get this reference!)
Ddraig | Albion: [BOOST] | {DIVIDE}
Cú Chulainn: [(EMPOWER)]
Great Red/Kuroko's Berserker Voice/When Kuroko is Mad: "Time to Die..."


???: RAW ASS, Shit, I mean... [{RHO AIAS}]

Seven pink petals are erected in front of Issei and block all of the projectiles, only causing the loss of 2 petals. As the dust clears, Kuro is seen standing with his arm out and a golden card in hand. Putting the shield away he crushes the card and yells out...


POV No One

Blue flames erupt from beneath Kuro and consume him before exploding upwards, forcefully parting the clouds above him. Slowly, the flames die down, and in place of Kuro is a large figure with a skeleton-like mask.

Kuro: "It appears that you are faced with an enemy that you can't defeat, little one."

Rias: "K-Kuro? Is that you?"

Kuro: "Of course, I have answered thy call for help. Why did I even activate a card.... I don't need this..."

Kuro uninstalls the Assassin Card and reverts to his base form.

Kokabiel: "Hey!! Don't just ignore me you bastard!l!!!"

Kokabiel rushes at Kuro with a giant light spear in hand. And initiates a swing.

Kuro: "Hn, you want to fight me? Very well. You've done a good job Ise. I'll take it from here... now then, Let's dance Kokabiel!!"

Red eyes spiral out into a ringed purple as Kuro lifts his arm in Kokabiel's direction, palm facing forward. Ringed eyes widen as a large pulse of power emanates from Kuro.

Kuro: "Those who don't know true pain, will never understand peace! [{ALMIGHTY... PUSH}]!!

Two words.

And the very laws of the universe bent to his will. Everything within a half-mile behind Kokabiel was sent flying, including Kokabiel himself. Bricks are turned into pebbles and planks of wood to mulch. And seconds after, Kuro clenches the same hand he used to cause complete devastation to Kokabiel.


And once again the laws of the universe bent to his will. All the rubble made by the previous attack clumps up into a giant sphere of rock and rubble in the sky, casting a shadow on everyone below them.

Issei: "Is this the power of a god?"

Issei and the rest look on in shock as Kuro absolutely devastates his enemy.

Sona: "My school! What have you done to my school?!"

Kuro: "I have done nothing! Now stand back, he's not finished."

The sphere of rubble in the sky begins to shake before violently exploding outwards, showing a mildly injured Kokabiel with a frown on his face.

Kokabiel: "I'll give it to you, that was something I haven't seen before. However, unfortunately for you, I've been through worse. Much worse."

Kokabiel flies higher and lifts his hand to the sky, as  thousands of dots appear in the sky, resembling stars.

Kokabiel: "Let me show you one of the reasons I am called the Angel of the Stars! [{Wrath of the Stars: Heavenly Barrage}]!"

With the power of a Cadre, thousands of balls of light rain down upon the Devils and Kuro. From a distance it looks as if the stars themselves are falling from the sky.

Kuro: "Heh... hahahahahahahahaha!! Yes! This power! Impressive, to think I would have to use that to counter this attack! Very well! Kokabiel let me show you my Ultimate Defence!"

Ringed Purple eyes shift back into a red and black Kaleidoscope and pulse with untold power.


A red humanoid being materializes around the devils and protects them from the onslaught of Light as the surrounding area is annihilated. Once the dust settled everyone realized that Kouh is now just rubble.

Kuro: "Impressive, I felt that slightly. Since you showed me you strongest attack. It seems that's it's fair that I show you one of my attacks."

Clouds begin to form above Kuro as lightning begins to strike around him. He raises his arm infront of him, palm facing the sky. As a black ball starts to form, with a ball of water, a cyclone of wind, boulders with lightning surging between them, and flames spun around it.

Kuro: "Seeing as you attacked me with one of your strongest attacks, I will return the favor! Understand the Beginning! [{Takamimusubi no Kami: Reign of the High Emperor}]!


I'm kinda tired right now so this is all I could think of. Multiple Naruto references in this chapter though! Have a nice day.

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