Faction Meeting Arc: Meeting, Negotiations, and Enemies.

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New Chapter! Let's goooooo! In this chapter, I'm going to be changing how I write the Dialogue and stuff in this book. It will be similar to Iron Wrought Demi-God. Let me know if you like it better. It's easier for me to write like this. So yup.
Actions: Slaps
Sacred Gear/Spells/Powers/Noble Phantasms/Aria or Chants: [{UNLIMITED BLADE WORKS}]
Thoughts/Servant Talking in Spirit Form: "Nope! He who runs away and doesn't fight runs away first!"
Speaking: "Tiny Frightening Child!?" (A/n: Props to you if you get this reference!)
Ddraig | Albion: [BOOST] | {DIVIDE}
Cú Chulainn: [(EMPOWER)]
Great Red/Kuroko's Berserker Voice/When Kuroko is mad: "Time to Die..."

Kuro's POV

Hehe. Bursting through a door and seeing their faces of worry was fun. Thankfully I didn't use all my power. They would probably be dead... and the area around us might have been flattened. But anyways, I'm looking like a badass while cuddling Ophis discreetly.

"Can we get on with the meeting now?" I drawl out in boredom and exasperation, "I grow bored sitting here and watching you all blabber on and make absolutely no progress in this gathering."

They all look towards me in surprise, and is that a slight bit of anger I feel? Hmmm, who is it from... Ah! The little Angel by that seraph, whose name I believe was Micheal? Yes. Micheal was certainly his name. I feel a bit of jealousy from Ophis as well... and I see that she is looking directly at the other female angel's... holy shit! Those are huge!! ... no wonder she's jealous... ANYWAYS!! Meeting.

"So, what were you all discussing before I came here? Was I related to the Peace Meeting? I genuinely do hope so." I question them as I see a few of them sweat drop.

"Uh... big brother, we were discussing the peace treaty before I interrupted and asked them to wait for you!" Rias exclaims after a period of silence. Hmm... so she doesn't like long periods of silence. Noted.

"Very well, you may continue." I state, "I'll jump in if I need to. And thank you, Ria-tan."

And so the meeting went on as planned, and I was amused at what was said. From Azazel goading Issei into voting for peace with the mention of Tits. And The White Dragon Emperor wants to fight constantly... honestly. Someday he will realize fighting isn't everything.......... What's that? Ahhh, seems like we have an uninvited audience.

"Well. Just so you all know. I, too, vote for peace for humanity. And know that if any of you break that treaty. I will rain oblivion down on you. But while that's that. We have some uninvited guests outside, it seems." And as I say that, a wave of power sweeps through the building, as almost all the people are frozen. Except for Azazel, the Satans, the Seraphs, and the Dragon Emperors, along with Rias.

"Well... oh no... SHIT! Everyone get to cover, NOW! FUCK! [{RHO AIAS: SEVEN RINGS THAT COVER THE BURNING HEAVENS}]!" I yell out as seven iridescent pink circles appear. From the smallest being further out and the closest being an inch or two away from my hand. A seven-petaled flower is seen behind it, "RRRRAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHH!!!"

As I scream, the petal expands to cover the entire rest of the building as the part in front of the shield has been basically obliterated. And as it finishes expanding, a bright light impacts the first layer. And completely shatters it. With the loss of a layer, the seven-petal flower loses a petal as it shatters into pink shards as well.

Everyone behind me looks on in horror as the projectile still continues to try to get through the shield. And the second and third layers break. Leaving four petals left. And me with a bleeding arm. I send more of my near-infinite mana into the enlarged shield as I reinforce it to its limit. As I do so, the unknown projectile breaks the fourth layer. Then the fifth. Before finally losing most of its momentum and dissipating. I gasp in air as I steam a bit from using so much mana and my body, mainly my arm, are in bad shape. Casting a small healing spell, I negate most of the damage, but I still have some cuts and bruises.

"Hah... that was much worse than I expec-" he looks back to see everyone there behind him in decent condition. Everyone but Ophis, "Where is Ophis?! OPHIS!!"

I look around and see her out on the field. Behind a woman. Thankfully unharmed but slightly shaken. But she's a strong woman. She can handle herself, I tell myself.

"My name is Katerea Leviathan, part of the Khaos Brigade, and now that I've taken Ophis... What will you do now? I have Ophis. And you are lacking in power. You cannot win."

"Lacking in power? Heh... heh heh heh heh! Ahahahahahaha!! Ohhh... now that was a good one..." I nearly fall over in boisterous laughter.
(A/n: if you want an actual laugh, here is the laugh I envisioned.)

"Why are you laughing? I have your biggest threat in my hands. I could kill her and be done with all this... actually... I think I will!" She starts to walk to Ophis and holds out a knife. Ophis just stares at her and trusts that her beloved will solve all this.

Over at the now destroyed, meet building. I am currently trying to recover from my wounds as I listen to this 'super powerful' devil's monologue. When she pulls out a knife and starts walking over to Ophis. I understand what she's about to do, and my usually controlled anger comes loose. And I mutter three words, three words that break the laws of the universe.

"... [{Denial of Nothingness}]..."

No One's POV

"I really didn't want to reveal my biggest cards so soon," Kuro said.

A sudden burst of power can be felt by all the people in the area as the laws of the universe are ignored, and something is created from nothing, and violent red energy pours out of the object in his hands as a katana is created from nothing.

"A perfect copy... no, it's like I'm holding the actual weapon." He says as he stands up and starts to walk outside. Garnering the attention of Katerea.

"Are you going to try to save her? Well, your too late to do so!!" She says as she starts to slash the dagger at Ophis. But it's stopped by another blade, "Wh-what?! How? No one is that fast!"

"Well, it appears that I am that fast. You just tried to kill Ophis... Therefore, your life is now forfeit."

A large amount of Demonic energy is poured out of Kuro.

"Kindly receive my attack. [{Hiken - Tsubame Gaeshi}]" In less than a second, three sword slashes are made, not allowing for the possibility of escape.

"To think that he would make such a technique to kill a Swallow..." Kuro laughs to himself as he looks at Katerea on the ground, Legless, "Where did all that bravado go? You were talking all that good shit a moment ago... Are you scared? Come on!! HIT ME! FIGHT ME!! GIVE ME A HUUUUUG!!!" Kuro says with a bit of a demonic tone towards the end, and Katerea finally passes out, whether from fear. Or from loss of blood, we will never know.

That's it. I don't want to write much more in this chapter. So I'll try to get the next chapter out eventually. Bye for now!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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