killer boyfriends

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Billy pov

Just one more day and then they can get out of the hospital.
Billy was so excited to get out since there is not much to a hospital but on the other hand Stu didn't seem the same.
"Hey Stuart" Billy called out
"Yeah what's up Billy?"  
"Why don't you seem happy to leave ?" Billy asked in a confused tone.
"Well we are going to mob by news reporters but I kinda just want to hang out with you not run from news reporters" Stu said in a low tone.
"It's okay dude maybe we just stay out of sight everything will be okay I promise" Billy paused and finished his sentence "I promise honey" Stu shot up from his hospital bed when he heard Billy say that.

_________ Stu pov

"Soooooo Billy want to repeat that?" He said in a teasing way Stu has been the one to say petnames Billy chicken out most of the time. "I was trying to comfort you!"  Stu kisses Billy head "well you did a great job" Billy blushes  "Stu I love you please stay with me we have gone through enough so please stay" Stu was taken back by Billy's words "Billy I won't leave I promise we have been through too much that I can't just leave you" he kissed Billy ( I feel like Billy would have abandonment issues because of his mom so I added this) "thank you" Billy said 
Stu yawn "Lets take a nap" he gets in bed with Billy and wrapped his arms around him. "Dude you have your own bed" Billy said  "yeah I know but I want to be close to you to prove that I won't leave you" Billy cuddle Stu

The next day
_______Billy pov 

I honestly can't believe we got away but I am happy we did and I will make sure we never get caught. Billy and Stu leave the hospital Stu's parents waited for Stu to get out but Billy's dad didn't even bother to come "Stuart! My baby I am so happy to see you!" Stu mom said hugging Stu. "Hello Billy it's very nice to see you as well" she gave him a little hug  they were about to go until Stu's mom saw Billy starting to walk home "Billy would you like to come home with us?" Billy looked up and nodded his head and said thank you once he hop in the car. 

_______At Stu's house  at night
Still Billy pov

I sat down on Stu's bed while I wait for him to pick a movie
"I have a good horror movie to watch!"
"Horror wow I would of never guessed " Billy said
Stu laughed and put on the movie
"It's Halloween" 
"Haven't we seen Halloween so many times?" Billy said
"Well yeah but it's Halloween 6 and we never have seen it yet"
Stu throws a blanket over him and Billy and cuddles Billy, Billy returned the jester and cuddles him back.

___ half way in the movie
Stu pov

Half way in the movie Billy passed out I didn't want to wake him up because he becomes grouchy and also he felt happy that Billy was comfortable to fall asleep cuddling him. Stu played with Billy's hair he closed his eyes and was going to kiss him until.
"What are you doing?" Billy said wide awake.
"AH sorry Billy"  stu said while jumping up from the bed .
"It's okay Stu chill also come back I am cold now." Stu got back to bed and cuddle Billy he looked down at him to see he was looking at him to. Billy kisses Stu. "I love you Stu you better not leave me." Stu blushes "I won't I would never leave my hot boyfriend who happens to be a murder and could easily kill me if I left him alone". They both laughed "but seriously I wouldn't I love you too much." Billy hugs him.

______Once the movie finishes

Stu got up and turned off the TV he got back in bed with Billy "goodnight Billy I love you."  "I love you too Stu" they both fall asleep in each other's arms.

AHH I HI EVERYONE  I hope you like this chapter!

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