Study buddies (Percy and Annabeth)

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"Guys the project is due in three weeks, now remember that this is worth 25% of your grade. Now this will be a group project of two and I will be picking the groups." Chiron said as he opened up his laptop. Kids started looking around nervous. One boy in the back with blonde hair and a scar looked bored. The girl next to him was a punk looking girl with way too much eyeliner and mascara, she was playing with a skateboard for fingers.

Chiron cleared his throat. "The groups are, Jason and Leo. You guys will be doing ancient Mesopotamia mythology. Grover and Rachel, you're doing ancient China mythology. Annabeth and Percy, you guys will be doing Greek mythology. And Luke and Thalia I am going to have you guys do Roman mythology. Now get with your partner and go ahead and start working.

A blonde girl with curly hair started walking over. "Hey I'm Annabeth, you must be Percy? She was one of those really smart kids so this project was going to be really easy. "So Annabeth, do you know anything about Greek mythology? Because I don't." "Yeah I do. How about we go to the library?" She said. "Sure." I replied.

"So can you give me a quick rundown on Greek mythology?" I mean all I know is that, "Zeus is a dick and Hades is super emo." Annabeth rolled her eyes but a small smile crept up on her lips. "Well seaweed brain, guess we have some work to do." I looked over and raised my eyebrow. "Seaweed brain?" Annabeth smiled and grabbed a book out of her bag. "Yeah, I mean your sweatshirt says "Breathing is for the weak" and we have been learning about Greek mythology for about a month so hence the name seaweed brain. Now come on we're here, try to find us a table while I grab us some books.

I grabbed a table next to a window. I reached down to grab my backpack and pulled out a few notebooks and my favorite pen. A few minutes later Annabeth came out from the shelves with a load of books in between her arms. "Soooo do we need to read all of those books? Because I read at like a third grade level." Annabeth sighed. "Here just look up something on the internet or something. I'm going to start planning out what to do." We started working and soon it was time for dinner.

"Umm hey Annabeth?" Annabeth looked up from her book. "Yes Percy?" "Umm would you like to come over for dinner? We could work on it. Plus my mom makes the best seven layer dip." Annabeth smiled, "sure! I mean all me and Luke eat is just frozen dinners that he attempt to microwave." I looked at her weirdly. "Luke, like the kid in our class? The one in the back who's like 19 year old freshman?" "Yeah he's my older brother. But he dropped out of high school when he was 14 but my dad threatened to kick him out if he didn't go back to school." Annabeth didn't say anything so I let the subject dropped.

"Hey quick question, have you ever had a blue cookie?" She looked over at me. I could see the gears turning in her head. "A blue cookie?" A huge smile came to my mouth. "Yeah Wise girl, a blue cookie." I replied, Annabeth cocked an eyebrow at me. "Wise girl?" "Yeah, Wise girl."
"Whatever Seaweed brain. So how much longer to your house?" I look up ahead at the road, seeing the pretty sky. "Not long! It's just a few roads down, then though the park and over to the apartment builders on the other side."

Annabeth followed my gaze. "Pretty sky. Kinda looks like a giant paint brush just painted the sky." Me and Annabeth fall into comfortable silences as we walked. Soon we were half way though the park when Annabeth got a text. "One sec Percy." Annabeth open her phone and sighed. I peered over Annabeth's shoulder. She turned her head and handed me her phone to read the message. It read, "My idiot Brother" below it the message said. "Heyyyy Bitch U coming back 2 the home for dinner? Bc i can reheat Tuesday's pizza" I handed Annabeth's photo back to her. "His grammar is so bad. Crazy how he made it this far in school." Annabeth said that more then to her phone then me. "Wise girl what are gonna text back? Because I think you should say that you're a rubber duck." Annabeth let out a small laugh. "I'm probably just going to say that I am eating dinner at your house." Annabeth looked down at her phone and started typing on her phone. She stopped texting and then slipped her phone back into her pocket.

We walked up the path to my apartment complex and I started putting in the code. The gate Swung open and me and Annabeth walked though the lobby and into the elevator. Once we got to my floor I lead Annabeth too Door 88 and unlock the door with my keys. I opened the door and me and Annabeth took off our shoes. "So Wise girl, want to see my room? It's pretty cool." Annabeth nodded her head. We went to my room and started getting our project out. "Really to work? Seaweed brain."

We worked for what seemed for hours but in Reality it was like 45 minutes thanks for ADHD. Annabeth got a text message on her phone. "Sorry one second." I looked over her shoulder and read the text message. It was from Luke. He texted, "U got a Boy friend? I thot u were gay" I saw this and started Laughing my head off. "That is amazing." I said between laughs. Annabeth started texting him back. She texted, "First, it's, you, thought, you, and no I do not have a boyfriend." As I was laughing I heard, "Percy! Dinner!"

Me and Annabeth went into the kitchen. My mom made her famous seven layer dip. "Mrs Jackson this is amazing!" Annabeth said as she reached for another chip. My mom smiled, "Thank you dear, maybe I can teach you it sometime." Annabeth smiled. "I would really like that Mrs. Jackson." "So Percy, how did you and miss Annabeth meet?" Annabeth looked at me. "Well me and Percy have an assignment on Greek mythology that's worth 25% of our grade." I looked over at my mom. "Yeah, so Annabeth might come over sometime to work on it." Me and Annabeth both reached for a chip and our hands brushed against each other.  My face turned red like a tomato, hopefully Annabeth didn't notice.

The rest of dinner was fantastic. And before I knew it, it was time to share our project with the class. First up was Jason's and Leo's. I zoned out during their presentation. I barely paid attention to Grover and Rachel. Now it was our turn.

Me and Annabeth stepped up to the front of the room. We started, I covered the Giants and Titans. Annabeth covered the gods and hero's. It went great. Me and Annabeth got an A+ grade on it and now I have a best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2022 ⏰

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