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"Myaa~chan, do you want to go to this ice cream place with me it can be another date!?", Sasaki asked miyano

"sorry senpai but hirano asked me to say after school to talk about stuff for the committee."

"Oh...that's okay mya~chan maybe another time, then see you later.", Sasaki said before quickly leaving to hide the fact he has been upset lately because of the times Miyano said he's been busy with things.

"It's fine I can ask again tomorrow, it's not like he's purposely avoiding me.", Sasaki reassured himself

"I can always ask again..."

The next Day

"Myaa~chan are you still up for the ice cream date?", Sasaki asked again hoping Miyano would say yes

"I'm so sorry senpai but I promised kuresawa that I would meet his girlfriend today, sorry maybe-"

"Another day...yeah I get it, it's fine Miyano", Sasaki said now showing Miyano his displeased mood before walking away

"Shit!.... I shouldn't have snapped at's not his fault, but I'm his boyfriend he should at least take what I feel into consideration", Sasaki said to himself now feeling guilty for getting upset with Miyano

"I'll just apologize to him tomorrow...", Sasaki told himself before heading to his families bakery

The Next Day

"Mya~chan?", Sasaki called out to Miyano in his classroom but couldn't find the short black haired boy he was so deeply in love with.

"Oh Sasaki Senpai", Kuresawa saw Sasaki

"Kuresawa have you seen Miyano?"

"He wasn't here today, maybe he's sick", Kuresawa said

" you think you can lend me your phone so I can call him my phone is dead", Sasaki asked now worried a bit

"Sure, here senpai", Kuresawa gave Sasaki his phone with Miyano's phone number already dialed

Sasaki put it up against his ear hearing the ringing a bit anxious to hear Miyanos voice after his snap yesterday.

"Hello? Kuresawa", Miyanos voice was heard through the phone which brought Sasaki delight

"Mya~chan?, why weren't you here today?", Sasaki asked embarrassed

"Sasaki senpai? I caught the cold so I decided to stay home to not give it to anyone", Miyano said

"Mya~chan you're so thoughtful, is it okay if I come over to take care of you I want to apologize for snapping at you the other day", Sasaki said

"It's okay senpai! I guess I've been so busy lately to give so little attention to you", Miyano said

"No it's fine mya~chan we have all the time in the world to plan dates together", Sasaki said which made Miyano blush over the phone

"Right...oh and senpai if you are coming over can you please bring me some cough drops?", Miyano asked

"Sure, anything for you mya~chan I'll be there in a few", Sasaki said now full of excitement to finally be able to spend time with his boyfriend.

"Thank you senpai I'll see you here", Miyano said

"Oh and Miyano", Sasaki said


"I love you", Sasaki said before hanging up and giving Kuresawa his phone and rushing to the supermarket for cough drops and saw a bouquet of roses.

While Miyano was having a blushing meltdown by the words Sasaki said to him.

High school relationships am I right.

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