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Warren's p.o.v

I had walked into the building I may be in for the next couple of years with a sigh. As I walked in, I looked around and saw someone sitting behind a desk. He looked at me and smiled a bit. "Oh hello there, are you one of the interns today?" "Yes I am" "Great! I do have to ask for your first and last name so I can mark on the chart that you came" He said in a bit of a joyful tone as he had a welcoming look on his face.

"Warren Henderson" I replied as he then looked back at the screen and clicked a few times before having a confused expression on his face. "Is something wrong?" "No, I just don't know if it's supposed to say that you have him-" He said as he stared at the screen for a moment. "I'll go ask him about it, do you mind waiting here for a moment?" he asked as he stood up and looked at me, I shook my head in response. He then walked out from behind the desk and walked down a small hallway, the sound of his footsteps fading.


I was looking around a bit as I heard footsteps coming back, "So it wasn't a mess-up-" He started. "-but what I was told was that we didn't have anyone else for you so 224 wasn't a mess-up with the computers" He said as he walked back to his desk, making small hand gestures as he spoke. "Is there something wrong about 224?" "Well no- let's just say he's incredibly stubborn and hard to deal with" I nodded a bit again as he searched for something on his desk, then grabbing a clipboard and a pen before looking at me again.

"I just realized I didn't introduce myself, I'm Oscar- sorry about that" Oscar said as he chuckled a bit, coming out from behind the desk again and standing in front of me. "Nice to meet you, Oscar" "Nice to meet you as well, now, I need to escort you to 224's room so you can basically start with your internship." He said as he turned around, walking down the same hallway as he did before as I followed behind him. "Warren, what made you want to have a job here?" Oscar asked as he then stopped at a door and took a keycard from his pocket, unlocking the door.

He then opened the door and let me walk through first. I waited for him since I was following him to '224's' room. "Well I kind of got the recommendation from someone who followed this places work, and since I used to work at a psychiatric ward she thought it was a perfect fit" "Oh really? So do you have experience with writing things down or just asking questions in general?" I thought about it for a moment before answering as he started to walk again.

"I guess I do, maybe not as much for questions but I have experience with writing things down like activity and such" I said as I followed him again. "Then your friend was right about this being a bit of a perfect fit. That's pretty much the qualifications he was looking for in a future employee" he said in an up-beat tone. "Really? Were those the only qualifications or?" "No of course not, you had to be able to deal with people who looked different which, judging from what you've told me, would be easy for you as is"

I nodded a bit in agreement as I looked at the doors we walked past, they had numbers engraved on them. "You basically passed the whole qualifications thing if I'm being honest, actually. All you'd have to do now is do well with the subject you were assigned which might be a bit tricky, I must say" I thought about that for a moment, could that be the reason my friend even mentioned this place to me?

"Well now that you say that it makes a bit more sense on why my friend even recommended this place at all" I heard Oscar chuckle a bit as he stopped at a door. "If you really want my opinion on it, you'll more than likely get the job. He needed a lot more employees since some of our old ones quit randomly" He said as he took his keycard out again, putting it up into a little slot on the side of the door.

It made a small click as Oscar then pulled the doorknob, revealing a little boy in a corner of a room. The room was small, it had nothing in it which made it seem a bit bigger than it actually was. The boy, who I assume is '224', looked at who walked in, seemingly confused from where I was standing. "224? This is Warren, she'll be in place of Matt today, alright?" Oscar spoke in a clear voice so he could hear him, receiving a small nod from the boy.

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