Questions after questions

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Hello everyone! I just have a small thing for the revision of my story. I've made Doggo/Subject 224 have a speech problem, and it caused a bit of confusion on my side. I also made it to where he can understand dog and barely able to speak english. So now before a switch to his pov, I put a note next to it saying 'translated thoughts' so it made more sense when I wrote. You can go on and read now ^^

Oscar's p.o.v 

I was going over the list to see if everyone had come for their internship today before signing myself out. I started to put my stuff together so I can leave as well, yawning a bit as I did. I heard footsteps coming near my desk, I ignored them since I assumed it was one of the other employees leaving before hearing them stop abruptly. I look up to see- "Hello Oscar, did all the interns show up today?" "Yes, all of them showed up today, sir"

He nodded as he put his hands in his cloak pocket, "Good, and the other employees?" "They all came, Sam had to leave early though" he looked confused, "Why? Did something come up?" I nodded in response. "It was a family emergency" "That's fine then, anything else?" "No sir, other than that everyone came and left when they were supposed to" he nodded again as he started to head for the door. 

"Alright then, have a good rest of your day, Oscar" I stood up, "You too, Matt" I turned off the computer and finished getting my stuff ready to leave. I wonder which interns got the job, I'll just have to wait and see since it will probably be about a week until I know for sure. I then stand up with my stuff and went through the door, making sure it's locked before I head to my car.

Doggo's p.o.v

(Translated thoughts) 

I was messing with a flower I had made while making small doodles on some of the blank pages of my journal. I kept alert for sounds, specifically if they were coming towards my door. I never liked it when they came towards my door, it meant I had to stop whatever I was doing to get.. 'Experimented' on? Or it meant that I was going to be asked questions, which I can only assume they are from what I understand. It's always been hard to understand them- or just english in general.

Sometimes the experiments hurt, they have a lot of needles in that matter. And a lot of- subjects? I think that's the word, either way they have a lot of doors. Some of them have numbers on them, like mine. I can read numbers, they're pretty easy. Mine were '224', I also know that they forced me to go by Subject 224. I don't know what 'subject' means, but I guess I'll find out sooner or later. 

I heard footsteps coming towards my door, making me stare at it for a moment. I hate these white walls and tiny white rooms, it almost makes me feel small. I like to memorize how people's footsteps sound, it tells me who's coming and what to expect. I think I heard- I forgot his name.. Great- I think it's the person who comes in to check if I'm alright. I looked back at my journal to continue doodling when I heard another set of footsteps.

I shrugged it off since he sometimes came with more people who were always randomized. I continued to doodle as the door opened, I tried to ignore it until there was only one pair of footsteps walking away; Away? I looked up in confusion, it was the lady from yesterday I think- "Hello again, you remember me?" She asked as she started to walk towards me. I just stayed in the corner, slowly nodding at the question.

I didn't understand what she said exactly but I think I answered correctly. She then stopped at a certain distance away from me, I guess she knew what happened last time when she got closer. I don't think I remember her name, did she tell me? "W-What name?" I tried my best to piece together words that made sense, which seemed to work. "Did I not introduce myself?" I shook my head, despite not understanding most of that sentence.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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