chapter 5: start of a threat

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Dead: i have booked plane tickets for all of us, the flight will start in 1 hour.
An hour later they all enter the plane, what they don't know is that there is a threat on the plane that will prolong there adventure, dead saw a strange fire nearby

Dead: bro is that a flying fire?
Hyper: ye- wait how??
???: Seems like you noticed
???: Aren't you the one who defeated the tuba archmage? The news is spreading everywhere, now let me introduce myself to the crowd

???: I, the tuba fire wielder, will stop you from going to the core ONCE AND FOR ALL, as you know, if fires are strong enough, they could burn a bullet into a molten liquidDead: if we are in a wide place this would be fine BUT ON A PLANE?!?!?! Dam...

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???: I, the tuba fire wielder, will stop you from going to the core ONCE AND FOR ALL, as you know, if fires are strong enough, they could burn a bullet into a molten liquid
Dead: if we are in a wide place this would be fine BUT ON A PLANE?!?!?! Damn this guy is too overkill
Hydro: i agree with dead but lets focus on the strategy to defeat this guy, this guy is capable of destroying bullets, so what do we d-
Hyper: oi i have a built-in machine to generate a bullet far more stronger than any other, it could resist to fire and cause radiation to the target, it's called the uranium bullet, now i better get fast because this could take 30 minutes, this could be a chance for us to attack him silently since other people are sleeping, use this ultra silencer which makes little to no sound.
Dead: how does this help?!?!
Hydro: use the silencer and just shoot where there is no fire
Dead: alright you got this dead
Dead shoots to the spots where there is no fire, it's effective against him, he shot him 2 times and he got injured badly, but he used fire to heal him
Dead: bruh, how does fire heal?
Tuba fire wielder: foolish! I am made of fire, thats just the flesh! My only weakness is ura- nevermind
Dead: makes sense but i once will shoot you aga-
Dead: DUNK! hydro thank you so much, if you weren't here i would be gone for good
After this, a 10 minute battle of dead damaging the tuba fire wielder, and him healing again, while hydro warned dead about the incoming flames
Hyper: {2 minutes left until ready}
Hydro: C'mon man you got this!
Zilo: damage him until he ded
Marco: GO FOR IT
Atlas/bleb: i have been silent all this time is it?
Marco: yes
Hyper: {uranium bullet ready. Please take the uranium bullet carefully, gloves reccomended}
Hydro: H e r e
Dead: great throw!
Dead uses the gloves and takes the uranium bullet, he reloads the shotgun with ease

 Please take the uranium bullet carefully, gloves reccomended}Dead: OI HYDRO PASS ME A GLOVEHydro: H e r eDead: great throw!Dead uses the gloves and takes the uranium bullet, he reloads the shotgun with ease

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Dead: sorry mate, you missed that, now die from your own will. now Dead hits the fire wielder, and its all peace, until a cup falls out of someones chair
Hydro: huh? Is the plane sideways?
The cup rolls to a different direction
Security 1: im sorry sir but you can't go in there.
Hydro pushes the security and goes into the cockpit
Security 1: (ah.. what is this feeling...)
Security: oh o-ok
Dead: ok
Dead runs to hydro and finds some thing bizzare (ゴーゴー)
Hydro: THE PILOTS ARE DEAD, dead can you fly a plane?
Dead: I've never flied a plane, but i practice in a simulator
Hydro: alright I'll be waiting here
Dead: The problem is i always got an F In all the experiences
Hydro: WAIT WHA-
The plane crashed into the ocean, 20% of the people are dead and the 5% got burned due to the fire, they arrive in thailand, they are very hungry, so they go to a restaurant just to eat. Neither of them knows the language, but hyper knows because he has a built-in translator
Hyper: there is a button here which alarms the waiter to go here
Hyper presses the button and the waiter comes to hyper
Hyper: i would like to have this, this this, this, and this ขอบคุณ (thank you)
So they wait 5 minutes till the food is ready,
Hyper ordered: fish in coconut sauce, white eggplant curry, red curry, miso soup, and stir fried glass noodles (bihun)
Dead: ill take the glass noodles
Hyper, i would like the miso soup
Hydro: I ain't gonna eat a white eggplant, but im hungry so ill take red curry.
Marco gets the coconut seafood and zilo takes the white eggplant curry
Everyone enjoyed there meal.

To be continued --->

tuba invasion part 2: japanese threatWhere stories live. Discover now