chapter 9: stone of the unknown

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Dead: we made it, atleast we didin't crash, gotta add that card to the collection

Hydro's phone: *ring ring*...

Hydro: one sec, i got a call.

Phone: hello? This is your dad here.

Hydro: oh ok, so dad, why are you calling me?

Phone: been worried since the day you flew to japan. I should hang up

Hydro: ok

Phone: *hangs up*

Hydro: alriiight, so where are we hea-


hydro: what the hell is a mud snake

Burger: trying to keep this family friendly

Dead: its the same rock from my dream!

Hyper: so what next? Break the rock?

Dead: theres an unusual feeling about the building beside it

Zilo: wow, a building in the middle of the desert, totally normal.

Hyper: lets go there, maybe there is something there or nothing

Atlas: well if you expect nothing then get to smashing the rock. [🤨]

Everyone goes into the totally normal building and found a basement, everyone went down to see the basement and found a strange crystal

[ Sorry, no image is here, the strange aura coming from it is too strong to take one, our camera split in half from a shadow, moving so fast, more fast than buffed gold itself, the creator cannot draw because he cannot draw the exact same thing............]


hydro: the camera got slashed by a sword

Dead: wait what how

Hyper: bro what

???: The broken camera is just a sign that i exist, now, the real fight has begun..

[To be continued] --->

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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