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3rd Person's POV

"Stop laughing at me, you idiot!" Seokjin shouted, his face flushed with anger and embarrassment as he glared at Yoongi. Yoongi was a giggling mess, clutching his stomach, his eyes watering from the sheer hilarity of seeing Seokjin's bright red nose. Just like Namjoon had said, he looked like Rudolph.

"H-How can I not? Look at you!" Yoongi managed to get out between fits of laughter, his body shaking.

"Fuck you. You know this is all that egghead's fault. Hoseok wouldn't have hit me if he had just kept his mouth shut," Seokjin grumbled, his irritation palpable.

"Yah, you're seriously going to put the blame on that cutie? When you were the one being all rude and bitchy?" Yoongi's laughter ceased, his tone turning serious. He had a soft spot for Namjoon—perhaps more than a soft spot. Yoongi had always taken an interest in Seokjin's long-time admirer.

"Bitchy?! You—" Seokjin started, but Yoongi cut him off.

"I mean, why do you even hate him so much? He's like the most precious thing in this world considering how kind and soft he is. Like, bro, the things I'd do just to see that beautiful smile of his," Yoongi said, his voice full of admiration for Namjoon.

"Tch, you're free to take him off my shoulders if you want, so that I could finally breathe without having a pest annoying me all the time," Seokjin muttered, though his voice lacked real malice. Yoongi's grin turned into a sad smile at these words. He had thought about that many times, but he wouldn't dare do anything about it. Namjoon's obvious feelings for Seokjin were well-known to everyone, including Yoongi. If Namjoon would just, even for a second, look at him the way he looked at Seokjin, Yoongi would never hope for anything more. He already had the best—just being near Namjoon was enough for him.

Yoongi's POV

Oh Seokjin, I would, if only he'd let me.If he gave me a chance, I'd gladly remove that "pest" off your shoulders in a heartbeat.But, of course, the odds will never be in my favor. It just had to be my best friend whom Namjoon takes an interest in. Or rather, it just had to be Namjoon that I take an interest in, knowing that no matter what, my love for him will always be unrequited, one-sided, unnoticed.But hey, on the bright side, I get to see him almost every day. So I guess that's still a win, right? Who am I kidding? I'm a loser. A loser in love with someone who's way out of my league.

"Look at you, fantasizing yet again about that egghead," Seokjin's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"You shut up, you bitchy old man. I ain't fantasizing about no one," I shot back, trying to mask my vulnerability.

"WHY IS EVERYONE CALLING ME A BITCHY OLD MAN?!" Seokjin yelled, his voice echoing down the hallway. His frustration was almost comical, and despite the situation, a small, fond smile tugged at my lips.

Deep down, I knew that my feelings for Namjoon would remain unspoken, locked away in the quiet corners of my heart. But for now, being by his side, even if just as a friend, was enough. And maybe, just maybe, one day the universe would surprise me. Until then, I would cherish these moments, no matter how bittersweet they might be.


to whoever is reading this, ilyyyyy

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