Benzaiten's Bond

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I don't own Naruto.

Hinata sighed as she looked over at the teens in the bed with her once more. They were all old enough to get in their own beds now and this was getting old and fast. She nudged the eldest of the group and he started his arms around her waist and whispered a soft "I love you~" a deep blush covered her cheeks and she turned to try and nudge the second off of her, but me made no effort to move either. She shrugged lightly and leaned closer to Tobirama's ear. "Tobi-kun, I need you to wake up." She whispered and he snuggled closer into her side as well, his cheek now coming closer to hers as he moved. She grumbled to herself only to lean down to his ear again with a wicked smirk on her lips.

"Tobi-kun, help me. I need you to save me, Madara is after me." She whispered and he jolted up in the bed, kicking Itama off the bed in the process. He looked around and rubbed his eyes, only to sigh when he realized they were in the room. It was a cruel way to wake him up especially since he was so invested in keeping her safe. He looked back to her once more and noticed the smirk on her lips. A soft blush covered his cheeks and his jaw slackened slightly. "Oh Tobi-kun... you're so sweet, wanting to save me from the big bad Madara." She mused and his blush darkened as he got out of her bed. The sixteen year old glared at her now, but she couldn't help messing with him. "You know you love me." She said as she laid back on her bed, Itama finally pulled himself up out the floor, his groggy eyes landing on her.

"Nee-Chan... what's going on?" he asked and she smiled at him softly. "Time for you to go to your own bed, Itama." She sighed and he grumbled as he drug his feet down the hallway and into his own room. She put her hands on her hips and glared at the now nineteen-year-old that was flopped in her bed. When they had first started sleeping in her bed, it had been sweet. However, after having been in this time for almost three years now, it was no longer cute as all of them were getting tall. Tobirama was now 5'9 at seventeen, while Hashirama was 6'1, and Itama was 5'4 she knew he still had some growing to do, seeing as he was the same height as her and he was only fifteen. She would be turning seventeen this month, for the second time. She snorted in amusement at this, the whole scenario was so weird.

She frowned once more as she looked over to the man who was still in her bed, his father had thought it was wonderful the first time he had seen it, but she was getting sick of it. She briefly contemplated giving him a good elbow drop while he was snoozing, but she happened to like her bed when she got to sleep in it so that was out of the question. She tossed a couple of ideas around in her mind, finally settling on the one that would keep him out of her bed for at least a little while.

A smirk crossed her lips as she crawled up into the bed and laid next to him, running her fingers through his hair gently. He scooted closer to her and she laughed lightly as he kept trying to get closer to him. If there was anything she had learned in the time she had been here, it was that Hashirama was easy to fluster. Much like how she had once been, however Madara's constant flirting had worn that out of her for the most part, but that damnable bond they had still got her flustered at times.

She leaned over him to where she was hovering right over him and she henged into Madara, she could barely contain her amusement as she brushed her nose over his and he smiled in his usual goofy way. "You want a kiss? This early in the morning?" he asked, his eyes not even open yet. He pressed his lips to hers faster than she thought he would, but the moment his eyes opened and he grinned at her that grin turned to horror and he released a yell as he rushed to the bathroom to go wash his face and wash his mouth out.

A resounding "What the fuck!" came from the bathroom and she dropped the henge and sat there laughing herself to tears on the edge of her bed. Butsuma and Akane came rushing down the hall, as well as Tobirama and Itama, however Itama was dragging his blanket behind him, still not fully awake. Hashirama rushed back into her room and was looking all over with a dark red blush on his cheeks, but the furious look in his eyes portrayed an entire different reaction. "Where is he?" he seethed and she snorted and started laughing all over again. "It's not funny Hinata!!" Hashirama whined and she continued to laugh for a couple more seconds before she held up her fingers into a hand sign and she changed her appearance to Madara's once more.

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