page 5 || Thursday || morning || afternoon

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It's now morning and I woke up because my phone is ringing. I pick it up
"Hi sol it's me miss Sam" our principal
"Yes goodmorning ma'am, do you need anything?" I ask
"Not that much, since you're the president of you're class can you tell them that you guys don't have class for the whole week. The teacher have a very important meeting this week"
"Ah yes ma'am of course I'll tell them"
"Okay thank you sai" she hang up, I rub my eyes and almost scream when sai touch me I remembered he's here
"Who's that?"
"Miss Sam our principal, she told me we don't have any class for the whole week, wait I'll just chat our classmates"
He nodded and got up probably going to the bathroom
"How about we go out with our friends"
I was startled
"I don't have the tension to scare you, you're the one who's scaring you're self"
What in the world, sino bang di maiinlove dito
"Hmm, yeah sure let's go out with our friends!"
"Where and what time?"
"How about let's go to the mall right now and eat lunch then let's go visit my family then let's stroll around in the park and let's have  picnic there, and then let's go to a restaurant for dinner my treat"
"That's alot of plans but okay I'll text them, let's pick them up, get ready"
"Where are you going??" I ask
"I'm going home go get my car and some stuff?"
"What stuff?"
"Clothes and other stuff"
"Remember, I'll stay here. Now get ready"
He said and kiss my forehead
"O-okay b-bye" I said
I got up and got ready. My outfit for the day is skirt, white t-shirt, and a Jacket, because it's a bit cold but it's not raining, and some white shoes. After a minute i heard someone calling in the front door.
"Coming!" I screamed and got down
I opened the door and.....
"Miss me?" It's not sai
"W-what do you want from me?!"
"I want you dead" my uncle said
My uncle pin me to the wall
"S-Sai!!" I screamed his name
"He's not here today" my uncle laugh sarcastically
My eyes started to form tears when my uncle call some people and bring 1 women and 1 man in my house, they slowly took off the cover that was in the man and woman's face
I'm trying to hold my tear's but they betrayed me, 'm-my siblings'
"Sir there's police!"
"Ugh i'll kill you next time"
They take my siblings and took off. I just sat in my position and try to sink in what I saw
"Sol!" Sai came to the house
"Sol? Are you okay? Sol talk to me!"
I look at him
"S-Sai m-my uncle g-got my s-siblings" I cried in her chest
"Shhh it's okay, we'll bring them back, don't worry okay? How about let's go to bae lake, and let's just cancel the plans, let's just do it sometime huh?"
I can't leave my house until i found out that my siblings are safe, but there's no use of finding my uncle today so I agree
We got to Sai's car, I haven't talk since I explained to sai what happened
"I'll call our friends to come okay?" He asked
I just nodded
"What a fool"
We arrived at lake bae, and our friends said there on the way, I came out of my car and open the door for sol. She seems scared, sad, angry all at once. I mean who wouldn't be,right?
"Sol I'm going to help you get you're siblings back ok?"
She didn't answer. She's just looking in the beautiful view Infront of us, listening to the waves....
"Sai! Sol!"
We turned around, me and sol's friends are here
Sof and Alexa run to sol and hug her
"What happened?" Alexa said
My friends are here in my side and we can all see how sol's tear's fall...
"M-my siblings, there a-alive, m-my u-uncle g-got them" sol explained while her tear's keep falling down like a waterfall
"What?!" Sofia ask
"You've heard what she said" Max said
"Shhh it's okay sol. We're going to help you find you're siblings.... Safely" Alex said that made me abit jealous. But this is no time to be jealous. Sol needs us, sol needs me
Sofia, Alexa, and Alex hugged sol
"Can you guys take sol home for me. I need to go home. I just need Todo somethi-" I was cut off
"W-where are you going?" Sol asked.
"Sai I'm scared" she hugged me
"Shhhh I'll be home later okay? Don't worry" I kissed her forehead and slowly push her back and when she let go of me. I quickly run to my car and drive. I'm having second thoughts about leaving sol. But I can trust them....
I got home and quickly run to my room and did some research
                           A few hours later
It's already 8pm I think this is enough for today. I got ready to leave and got to my car. And drove as fast as I can to sol's house
And after a few minutes I got there
I opened the door and the first thing I got is a hug from sol.
"She's waiting for you" Alexa said
I hugged her back
"Let's go to the kitchen. Did you guys eat already?" I asked
"Not yet" they all said except sol. Because she's still hugging me
"Okay I'll cook, come on sol"
She let go and followed me into the kitchen
"Sol, what happened to you? Sai is not the only one who's here you know?" Sofia said
Sol just pout. Hahah cute
"We need attention too sai!" Axel said
"Yeah yeah"
They just joke around while me and sol are in the kitchen. She's watching me cook
"How are you?" I ask
"Hmmm. I'm fine. But still scared"
After a few minutes I finished and sol helped me get the table ready
"It's time to eat" I said
"The food smell good" Alex said
They all agree with Alex.
"Just eat"
And they did
                      After a few minutes
We finished but we're still in the table talking about things
"So how about we go to the beach?!" Alexa said
"Sounds good" we said
"I'll take care of the foods" I said
"I'll take care of the drink's" Max said
"We'll take care of the entrance fee" Alex said
"Okay we're all set. Let's go tomorrow?" Sofia ask
We agreed
"Okay now it's getting late. Let's go home and pack up" axel said
They agree and they started cleaning the things and said there goodbyes
"Bye sol, sai take care of her okay?" Alexa said
I nodded and they left
"Let's pack our things?"
"Okay!" Sol said
We got up to her room and start packing up
                      After a few minutes
We finished packing up
"Let's go to bed" I said
"Hmm okay" sol said back
We got ready, and we lay down, we turn off the lights and said our good night
"Goodnight sol, sweet dreams"
"Goodnight sai, you too"
I kissed her forehead and close my eyes
I can't sleep
"Sai.... I can't sleep" sol said
"Same. How about let's go you're garden?"
"Okay" she said in a exited tone
We got up and go straight to her garden. There's a cute swing in her garden so we sat down.
Sol is now leaning in my shoulder. And after a minute i check her. She's asleep
I carried her and made our way to her room
I carefully layed her down and kiss her forehead again
"Sweet dreams my sol"
I lay down next to her and sleep

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