page 6 || Friday || morning || afternoon

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I woke up because of my alarm. It's already 5am we plan to meet up at 6am since di naman masyado malayo yung pupuntahan namin. I got up and made my way in the bathroom. I just wash my face. I'll take a shower after we eat. I got down in the kitchen and started cooking.
After a few minutes i finished. It's now 5:30am
I made my way in sol's room.
I'm woken up by a soft voice and soft shakes
"Sol wake up, let's eat and get ready so we can go to the beach" my excitement became 100%
I got up
"Goodmorning Luna" sai said
"Goodmorning!" I said back
"How about let's eat first and then take a bath huh?"
I nodded sai helped me to stand up. And we made our way to the kitchen. There's a lot of food in the table for example eggs, bacon's, hotdogs, and orange juice
"Let's sit"
"This is alot sai"
"Hmmm. We need alot of energy later, so we can have some fun"
I nodded
And we eat....
After a few minutes. It's already 5:40
"I'll clean this and you go take a bath" sai said
And that's what i did I took a shower and saw sai in the couch.
"I'm done!"
"Okay I'll go next. Call me if you need me okay?"
"Yes yes" I smiled and he smiled back. He got his way to my bathroom..
After a few minutes the bell rang. I got scared because i thought it was my uncle
"Sol it's us!" Lexa said
I signed
I opened the door
"Come in, sai is still taking a shower"
"We are all complete. Just sai who's still in the shower"
We just talked for awhile and then sai came down in a white t-shirt, black Jacket, black pants and black shoes. He's so attractive
"Oh goodmorning guys" sai said
"Goodmorning bro!" Sai's friend said
"Goodmorning sai!" The girls said
"Let's go now? It's not that long but it will take us maybe one hour or more"
"Letssss gooo!" We all said
We put our bags in the back of Sai's car.
Sai is the driver
I'm in the shotgun sit
The girls and Alex is in the back and the max and axel are in our back.
"Let's go now guys. Don't forget to pray before we leave" such a good boy
I prayed before leaving just like sai said
We're on the road now and the car si dead silent so i played some music (run away by txt)
"So guys how about let's play?" Sofia said
"What game?" I asked
"Would you rather!" Max said
"Yes would you rather!" Sofia said
"Okay game!" We all said
"Okay i'll go first" Alexa said
"Would you rather have a bad hair day or bad clothes?" Axel said
"Ofcourse bad hair day duhh" Lexa said
We giggled
"Me next!" Sofia said
"Would you rather be my girlfriend or Alex's girlfriend?" Max said
"Of course Alex" Sofia answer
"And why did you ask max? Do you like Sofia?" Sai joke around
"Ofcourse not...." We laugh at Max's red face
"Okay kuya next" Alexa said
"Would you rather die in the sea or in a airplane crash?" Alexa said
"Ofcourse die in the sea" Alex answer
"Axel! Would you rather love a ugly person but nice or a beautiful person but mean" Sofia asked
"Ofc ugly person" he answered
"Okayyyy. Max!" Axel said
"Would you rather date Sofia or Alexa" axel said
"Of course alexa" he answered
"Don't you dare max!" Alex said
We laugh because of how over protective Alex is
"Okay sol!" Sofia said
"Would you rather say yes so sai or go home right now and sai will ignore you" alexa said
I look at sai who's now listening carefully
"Say yes to sai" I said
They all say "yieeee". They always ship us
"Okay sai" Alex said
"Would you rather get married with joy or get married with sol?" Alex said
Joy? Who's joy?
"Sol." He said
And they all cheer
A minute later they are all asleep except me and sai
"You might be asking who's joy, right?" How did he-
"Joy is my best friend, I fell for her but she didn't, she saw me as a friend or a little brother so as the years past i lost my feelings, and joy is in Korea. And now I don't have any feelings for her so don't be jealous okay Luna?"
I nodded
"You guys are so cuteeee" what in the-
"You though we're a sleep? Not a chance Luna" Alexa teased me
Sai just laughed. His laugh, it's so comforting
"Shut up I'm going to sleep" and I did
I want to sleep for a while so I stopped the car and looked around and they are all a sleep. And sol too. I slowly approach her to fix her position but was shock when she's cold. I grabbed the blanket and turn the air conditioning low. And I fix her blanket. I kissed her forehead fix her position and once I'm done I got to my sit and close my eyes.
Few minutes later
I woke up. They're still not awake so i decided to start the car. We're only 20 minutes away from the beach so it's not long till we get there. I start the car and start driving. And while on the road i checked on sai who's still sleeping peacefully
"Eyes on the road dude" I was shock when max talked
"Yeah yeah" I answered and he laughed
20 minutes have passed and we're here. I can already see the beautiful beach. The beach doesn't have alot of people so this is perfect
"Let's wake them up" max said
"Sol wake up, Luna" she slowly opened her eyes
"How's you're sleep Luna?"
"It's good. Oh are here yet?"
"You guys are so sweet. And remember we're here with you, not just you two" Alexa said
We laugh
We got out of the car and I we got our food, clothes and other stuff from the back before I close my car. We planned on sleeping here since we got some tent and sleeping bags
"Let's go guys, let's find a place to stay and then let's swim and eat. And maybe we can go to the other islands there" Alex said
We agreed and we found a place to stay we just unpack our stuff. And made our tents.
"Me and the girls are just going to change okay?" Sofia said
We nodded
"We should too guys let's go" axel said
I got to my tent and change my clothes I'm now wearing a white sleeve less shirt and some flowery shorts and some sandals
I got out and saw my friends already ready
I saw the girls with there swimsuit and the boys like mine.
"Let's swim now!" Alexa said
We agreed. We are close to the water so we just walk a few blocks. I got to the water. The water is cold. We just played abit and I've decided to cook some food now so later we can just eat
"Hey sai! Bro where you going?!" Alex said
"I'm going to cook now" I said back
"Oh come on sai. Let's have fun. Cook later" max said
"Do you want to starve?!"
"N-no. Fine do you're thing"
And I did. I got the grill ready and I cook some bbq. After minute I finished. And I checked on my friends and saw then still playing like kids. I checked my phone and it's just 8am
"Guys did you eat breakfast yet?!" I screamed for them to hear me
They all replayed with a yes
I just sat down on the sand while the water is crashing into me. I closed my eyes because the waves are calming. And my relaxation was broken after I heard my friends screaming at each other. I opened my eyes and stand up and came near them
"Okay what's happening here?!" I said
"Nothing" axel said
"Don't scream to much" I said
They nodded and I got to my place again until I felt someone playing with my fingers. And you don't have to be a genius to know who that is
"What do you want Luna?" I started
"Nothing I just like playing with you're fingers"
Hahah cute. I kept my eyes shut
" Let's go to the other islands sai" she said excitingly
"We have to rent a boat for that Luna. We can go later after we eat lunch okay?"
"Okay" she said and i guess she left. I opened my eyes and saw my friends and my Luna playing happily in the water. I will always treasure their smile. Specially Luna
"Sai!! Come play with us!!" Alex said
I came and played with then until it's 12
"Let's eat guys!" I said
We sat down and they almost swallow the food
"Ehem!" I signal to pray
They put the food down and I chuckled abit
We prayed
"Amen!!" We said and start eating
After a few minutes we finished and we started cleaning up
"Let's take a rest and let's rent a boat okay?" Sai said
"Bro I heard we need to drive our own boat here when we rent one" Alex said
"Don't worry I know how to drive a boat" sai said back
We looked at him shock. Even his friends doesn't know this side of him
"You know what?!" Axel said
"Oh. Forgot to tell you hehe" he laughed awkwardly
Axel, Alex and Max rolled their eyes
Me and the girls laugh
We finished cleaning up and we saw a man with a poster 'boat for rent' just what we need
"Excuse me sir. How much is the boat for maybe the maximum is 10 hours?" Alex said
"10 hours?!!!" We screamed
"Oh yeah. There's alot of island here"
"10 hours will be 10k for all of you" the man said
"We'll take it. I'll pay guys. Sai you drive" Alex said. Such a self made millionaire he is
We nodded and we followed the man to the boat
"10 hours is long so here's a boat with 3 rooms, you can extend if you want we are sale today. Extension are completely free don't worry. You can stay here for the night if you want, the food and drinks are free" the man said
"Thank you so much sir. Let's go guys" sai said
We run and climb the big boat. I can't believe this all for 10k? This is amazing
"I'm going to start the boat guy's. Don't do anything stupid for god sake" sai said
"Yeah yeah don't worry" Alex said
Sai started the boat and we screamed because of excitement.
"How about let's swim later?" Max asked
"That would be nice. It's very hot today" I said
After a few minutes the boat stopped and sai came out
"You guys swim here. It's deep so please wear a life vest" sai started
We agreed and got the life vest
"Don't do anything that could harm you" he said again
"You're not coming?" I said
"Sai has a trauma" Alex said
"A what?" Me and the girls look shock
"Sai has a trauma. He got that trauma a few months ago" axel said
"I'll go to the room for now. Enjoy and call me when you need me" sai said we agreed
I didn't know he has a trauma
"Continue" Alexa said
"Like what axel said he got that trauma a few months ago. At this same beach. We we're actually worried bringing him here since that accident happened. Because of that trauma. When sai see a deep sea. He get dizzy and passed out. We we're worried for him. But he still agree to go here. We didn't force him but he said. 'Don't let my trauma stop you from what you want'. So we agreed" we listen carefully to Max's story
"What accident?" Sof ask
"Her family was on a boat trip in this beach. Everything is going well. But they didn't know that there's a big storm coming. The waves are big. The clouds are black. The boat that they rent crashed into the waves. And of course the boat broke. And there's only one life vest at that time. Her parents, siblings, cousins, everyone agreed to save him. And you know what happened next. Sai was broken by that time. He committed su1cid3 a few times but we always happened to save him. And after one month. He started to move forward. But we always saw him at lake bae. Probably because it's her comfort place" max said
"And since that day. We don't see sai laugh or even smile. Until he saw you sol. He became more happy than before" Alex said
I felt bad for sai. And regret forcing him to rent a boat. But he was also wrong. For not telling me
We talked for awhile until they agree to swim
I also agree but just for a minute. We swim and we did as sai said. We wear a life vest. He was right. It is deep. After a few minutes I came back to the boat leaving our friends in the water. I changed my clothes since we packed all of our stuff because we agreed to stay here for the night
After I changed my clothes. I run to the room where sai is
I saw him laying on the bed. And her arms are covering his eyes. Is my sai dizzy?
I came closer
"Sai? You alright?"
"Are you dizzy?"
"How about let's go back? Hmm?"
He sat up and hold my hands
"Don't let my trauma stop you from what you want, Luna. I don't want to stop you from what's making you happy. Okay?"
I nodded
"Are you done swimming?"
"Yeah. But I think our friends aren't"
"Hmm ok. Are you hungry?"
I yawn. Since I'm abit tired
"How about take a rest, huh Luna? I'll check on them"
"But yo-"
He cut off my sentence
He coldly said
"Fine I'll just sleep here"
I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes. I felt his hand in my hair and his lips on my forehead and I heard the door close
To be honest I don't feel very good. It's my first time coming here again. Since that. Accident
I got out of our room and checked on my friends
I look at them playing happily
I look down. And I can see how deep the sea is. It's clear.
I felt a bit dizzy so I sat down. I think Alex saw me so he ran.
"Bro you ok?" He asked
"Hmm. Just abit dizzy"
"Why did you come out. You can passed out sai. Go take a rest at you're room. Don't worry were safe here" Max said
I nodded. I stand up. And try my best to not look at the sea. And I came to our room. The first thing I saw is my Luna peacefully sleeping. I lay down beside her. And hug her tight. And she did the same.
After a few minutes I woke up from my nap. I look around and saw sol still sleeping. I stand up and look out side. I didn't saw our friends outside so look at the other rooms. And saw them sleeping peacefully. I came back to our room and got my phone. It's already 4pm. I checked the weather just in case. It's sunny so we're safe. I want to go out.. so I did
I felt abit dizzy seeing the water. I came closer. I don't know what I'm doing. I just do what I want. I came closer and closer to the water. And everything went back
"Sai save you're self!"
"Sai we love you okay? Live for us. For me"
"Take care of you're self sai. Don't be to hard okay?"
I sat down.
"Sai please save you're self!"
"You still matter to this world so don't do anything stupid"
"M-mom loves y-you okay my b-baby?"
"M-mom please. We need to get save!"
Before closing my eyes
I saw my Luna running towards me
And everything went black
I woke up without sai in my side so look around. But before coming out i check my phone. It's 4:30 already? I look at the other rooms and saw our friends sleeping. And finally I checked outside. Sai couldn't be here right?
I look around. And finally saw him sitting. I panicked when I saw sai closing his eyes
"Sai!" I screamed. I got down.
"Sai! Wake up!"
"Alex! Alexa! Max! Sof!! Everybody!" I screamed hard
"What happened sol?" They all came out
They run towards us
"S-Sai passed out" I said. I forced my tear's to not fall down.
Alex carried sai to our bedroom
"Sol be ready okay?" Alex said
"Sai will have a fever after this" max said
"Okay. I'll take care of him. You can take a rest"
"I'll cook for now you guys can rest" Alex said
"We'll help you" they all said
I nodded and they left the room
Sai is starting to get abit hot so I quickly got some wet towels and put it on his forehead. I got the blanket and cover his half body. Since we have air-conditioning here.
What is he thinking. He knows he can't do it
I got another towel and wet it with warm water. And started patting it in his arms and face. While doing that I realized how beautiful Sai's face is. The door open
I flinch. I turn around
"What the hell Alex!" I screamed
"Sorry it was not my intention to scare you. How's sai?"
"He has a fever. And Alex can I ask something?"
"Yeah sure. What is it?"
"Why isn't sai scared of lake bae. I mean it is abit deep. And it's water" I ask. What a dumb question sol
"To be honest. That's also my question back then. But sai answered it. He said. Sai's sister Mikaela love that place. And he love his sister more than anyone in his family. I mean he loves everyone in his family. But his love for kael is 10× more. So when she passed away. It became his comfort place. Because of his sister" Alex easily answer
I just nodded
"You guys done?" We flinch when we heard a voice speak
We look around until we saw sai already sitting
We quickly ran to go to Sai's side
"Sai. Why are you sitting? Are you okay?"
"I'll just call them" Alex said. I nodded and he quickly left
"Hmmm. Dont worry Luna. I'm fine"
"What are you even thinking?! You know what you're trauma do to you and you still looked at the sea!" I scolded him
"I don't know. And don't worry. I'm fine now Luna"
"What do you mean you don't know?! And you're not fine. You still have a fever!"
"Shhh luna. Don't scream okay? I promise I'm okay" the door opened again
"Sai!" Our friends screamed and quickly run towards him
"How are you bro?"
"Are okay now sai?"
"Does something hurt?"
"Guys can you ask him one by one" Alex said
"It's fine. I'm okay now. And nothing hurt"
Max hit sai in the head
"What in the.ouch max!" He complained
"You deserve that"
Alex and axel did the same. Me and the girls just laughed and so as the boys. I opened my eyes. Their smile, their laugh it's healing, it's a comfort. Seeing them happy is comforting. I quickly grab my phone and take a photo as quick as I can. And put my phone down.
"Let's eat now. Shall we?" Max said and we agreed
Before sai can stand up. I grab the towel in his head and check if his still hot. To my surprise. His not
"Told you I'm okay now" he said and stand up. And he offered his hand and I accepted it. We stand up and I remember the dining area is out side
"The dining area is out side. Are you going to be okay. Or should I just get you some food and let's eat here" I asked
"It's okay Luna. I'm okay" he confirmed. I nodded even if I'm worried
We walked out side and he looks fine. He's trying so hard not to look at the sea. I look at it and saw nothing. We can't see the dark deep sea because it's night.
"Sai look. You can't see the deep sea" I said
Sai slowly looked at it. And he looked amaze. We got to the table and we sat down. Merong stake, crabs, shrimp, lobster and more.
"I'm allergic to this" they all looked at me while I'm pointing to the crabs, shrimp and lobster
"Heh don't worry. Meron namang stake" I smiled at them
"Why didn't you tell us" Alex said. Sabay batok.
"Aba. Malay koba na eto lulutuin niyo!" I said
"Okay calm down let's just eat" Max said
Axel is about to eat the food when
"In the name of the father-" we looked at him confused. He looked at us with total disbelieve
He put the food back and cough and close his eyes and bow his head. We all laugh at him.
"Ey shut up. Every body make mistakes" he looks at us. And he's all red because of the humiliation
After we laugh we bowed our heads and close our eyes
"Lord thank you so much for this wonderful meal we have. And thank you because we've meet each other. I wouldn't be this happy if they weren't here. In Jesus name we pray. AmeNn~"
We looked at sai. Kasi pumiyok siya. We keep our self for laughing since di pa kami nakakapag amen
"A-amen" we said
And the Burst our laughing. Even sai is now red
All of us is now laughing even sai.
"Gag1 bakit ka pumiyok" axel said while laughing
We talked and laugh for a while and then eat.
"So diba may Liga sa Monday?" Alexa said
"Ow right. Whos going to play?" Sof ask
"Probably we will all play. Specially sai. He's the best player in our group" Alex said
"So that means we need to cheer" I said
The girls nodded
"I forgot you guys are cheerleaders. Sol, cheer for sai, okay?" Max said and winked
I saw sai smirk
"Yeah yeah" max giggled. We are now done eating. We cleaned up and made our plans for tomorrow
"I'll be starting the boat tomorrow at maybe 5 so it's still abit dark" sai said we agreed.
"Okay. Let's pack our bags, and rest" sai added
"Goodnight everyone" we all said to each other
Me and sai pack our things and lay down
I'm exhausted from this day. But at the same time happy. We faced each other
"Good night my Luna. Thank you for taking care of me. Sweet dreams" and he kissed me in the forehead
"Goodnight sai. You're welcome. And you too" we both cuddle with each other and then sleep.

"We're meant to be... But not meant to be forever"Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora