【27】Her Majesty

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"Finally, it's over" One of the warrior-guards said, stretching his arms up. Five to six guards were present there in front gate. The mob had simmered down and left from there after hearing the news of Manzu's prison sentence.

"I heard, he didn't say anything till the end except shouting at his son."

Shin was sitting on ground with his body slouched. Hearing this made his spine straight. He cracked a warm smile and scoffed as he thought.

'So he really forced his father to shout.'


Azeal was fuming with every step he took toward the hall. The guards at massive-opened door let him through after witnessing the rage venting from him. The hall was furnished with opulent sofabeds, round tables and chairs, more extravagant things were full to overflowing in there.

His scowl grew more deep as his gaze shifted to Zior, who was sitting on a chair. Zior had laid his palms on the round table. The table and chair were placed beside the huge D-shape balcony. From there one could take pleasure trip to the horizon in one glance.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT, FATHER!" Azeal smacked his hands on the table. His eyes were flaming with anger.

Zior gave side-glance to the guards as an order to leave them alone. The guards bowed their heads and went away.

He moved his gaze to Azeal submerged with dullness. He took his crown off and gently threw it on the table.

"Azeal, I am not in the mood right now."

"I AM SERIOUS! How can you throw Kamoor's father behind the bars."

"I SAID, I AM NOT IN THE MOOD RIGHT NOW!!" Zior yelled his lungs out. The dull gaze shifted into glare.

"WHEN WILL YOUR MOOD GET BETTER!" Azeal pulled the chair and plopped down on it. He crossed his arms.


Both were huffing getting fumed. Thier rage were piercing through thier eyes. Zior let out heavy breathe to calm himself. He smoothed his brunette hair.

"I have to make some decisions to maintain peace in the state."

"Why didn't you tell me about the trail?"

"You were the one who didn't want to become the part of these things."

"But.....But..... Whatever, I am going. There's no point in talking with you regarding this." The chair slided back as Azeal stood up. He strode his way to the door. Zior sprung up and asked...

"....Where are you going now?"

"To someone who can solve this." Azeal replied, he was striding toward the door. His steps came to halt as he reached the door. "I'll complain to mother about this."

"What!" Zior frowned, he took a step forward to him. Azeal walked out of the hall without looking back once.


"EVERY MAN AFRAID!!" Azeal shouted from the hall way.




"This way, Sire." Warrior said looking at the staircase to underground cell chamber. Manzu was walking between two warriors, one was leading the way and other was kept staring at him. Flambeaus that were set on the wall in a row were torching the way.

Warrior took the key-ring that was hanged on his waist-side. He held one key from it and opened the cell. As Manzu took a step toward the cell, warrior blocked his way with an arm.

"Just a moment, Sire." He looked at other warrior standing behind Manzu. Warrior passed a silver manacle to him. The moment Manzu's gaze fell on it he shuddered getting astounded.

"What's this?" Manzu asked, anger was peeking slightly through in his eyes.

"Sire, it's a chain-sealer. It restrain prisoners from using Urjah."

"I Know! I know what's this. His Majesty didn't give any order to fasten my hands with this."

"Yes Sire! But Her Majesty gave..."



"It's good that you came here." Savannah was standing at the window, dazing at the crescent moon.

"I can talk about this only with you." Kasira was sitting on canopy bed. Her saddened eyes were gazing at the floor. Her eye-balls moved ahead as she heard the tapping sounds of Savannah's steps gradually approaching to her.

"Everything will be alright. We'll find a way to get through this as always, like old times." Her steps came to end the moment she reached right before Kasira's face.

Kasira smiled wistfully. "You are righ-" Her words stuck in her throat when she held up her head to look at Savannah. Her eyes bugged-out looking at her. Savannah lips gradually craved a malicious smile. Only her left eye was leaking with tears.

That smile forced Kasira's heart throbbed fast. She didn't sway her gaze from Savannah's face. That smile was reflected on her wide-opened emerald eyes.

"Savannah, One of the maids told me, you haven't been feeling well. Come to think of it. It's been while since I last saw you."

Savannah plopped her knees down on the floor. She rested her head on Kasira's lap. "I....I...A-Am....So-Sorry...I...Did something that....I-I shouldn't have done." Her voice quivered as she weeped.

"Savannah, What have you done?"


Willingly or unwillingly, the wrong doing is wrong

Thank you for reading this chapter. Now it's time to shower your love

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