Chapter. 1

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???? POV

A centipede crawls through the dirt and mud swiftly as I lift a big rock from the ground. Various species of bugs scamper as if trying to get away from the sun, tiny crickets hop and worms burrow themselves in the slightly wet dirt.

I had plenty of both of them, I was more focused on the centipede now scurrying through the grass patches. I quickly grab at the many legged bug, but I made sure to grab it's neck area so it couldn't bite my fingers.

I carefully held the squirming arthropod as I opened my enclosure, and dropped it into the dirt inside. It ran around the plastic box in mere panic. I watched it scamper, fascinated.

I stayed like that for a while, as eventually it figured there wasn't any way to escape. It started to calm down and slow it's pace, other bugs far too used to the new ones coming and staying.

I brung out my small notebook and pencil to make sure I had the same number of creatures yesterday.
Writing checks next to the name of every creature I had seen.
Five Roly polies.. Three worms.. One grasshopper.. and now two Centipedes.

The same as before, I was relieved of growing confusion when the other centipede I had caught two days ago had emerged from under a leaf I had dropped in there.

I doodled some pictures of the bugs, making sure not to overlap the drawing and the writing. Then my attention was caught on the bugs again.

My eyes focused on one bug to another, eyes shifting as another diverted my attention with its sudden motivation to move. The new centipede still silently crawling around and sometimes running into the other bugs.

I blinked and cherished the moment silently, a warm breeze flew over me.

I inhaled briefly and enjoyed the smell of fresh summer air. I then noticed the air also smelt faintly of a very familiar scent. Soft approaching footsteps nearing behind me.

—Luna POV—

I quietly approached behind Rai, watching their collection of bugs with a blank stare, seeming at peace. I kneeled down and gently put a hand on Rai's Shoulder with a small smile, Rai flinched slightly at the touch. 

"I know I've told you this before, but I really like your drawings." I complimented, I got no reply. Instead, Rai's attention was drawn to something else. Making them sit up and watch it run through the grass, I followed Rai's eyes and saw a small beetle scampering.

I watched briefly before I heard the kids again, some kids were playing a rough game of tag it seems, Buddie included. Wrestling when they get the chance, Buddie exclaimed as he fell over, shaking his head a few times before getting back up.

They were full of playful shouts and energy, I honestly worried a bit since I was still uncertain with Buddie playing so rough. Regardless, I watched them play happily with a grin.

Eventually turning back to Rai, seeing they had the beetle in hand, studying it closely. I realized it was best to just let them be, they seemed happy without interaction.

I noticed they weren't holding on to their stuffed ferret, but keeping it very close and in grabbing range. Which was a bit out of character for Rai, always holding onto it as if someone would take it if they hadn't.

I stood and walked over to the shade from the hot sun under the tree closest to them, not wanting them to move after just getting settled.

I usually would be at work at this time, but I decided to ask for a day off.
Sitting down and enjoying the breeze, looking back over at the kids playing one more time. Before closing my eyes.

Mama Said // Scrutinized// (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now