Gluttony - The World is Fat

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The World is Fat

The world is fat,

Dripping in fat,

Torrents and rivers of fluid fat.

And we drink it up,

Grin ear to ear,

Laugh – slowly getting heavier.

Was Mother Nature planning for us?

Those Seven Days creating grease?

Round Table made for eating food?

Last Supper just a pointless feast?

The world is fat,

Almost see them every day,

Feeling disgust or great pity,

Bulks of skin and fat carried

By bones that are too weak.

Do they work hard against it?

Biggest Loser? Tapeworm pills?

The world is fat,

We’re just seeing a decaying race,

Sausage lips, bulging face,

Eyelids too heavy to see you stare,

Hands that have no grip.

We cry for them,

If they try so hard,

And can’t stand them,

If they don’t.

Trying or not,

Wishing or not,

In this state they cannot stay.

The world is fat,

But no one tries to help:

McDonalds, Wendy’s, Burger King.

Those who try are hurting,

Deep fried Twinkies – the newest rage,

Sloppy Joes – have to try,

Big Macs – a must,

Vanilla ice cream – can’t live without,

Chocolate, jelly beans, marshmallows,

Sodas, french fries, burritos –


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